Summer/Make-up Classes in UC GPA?

<p>I screwed up on my math final and got a D+ in Pre-cal…
I have calculated my UC GPA, and its a freaking 2.96.
as we all know you need 3.0 to even be eligible
so i’m going to have to retake one semester of pre-cal during the summer.
how does that work? will the summer grade just take the place of my D? or is it added on?
so cumulatively is it 68/23 or 72/24 (if I get an A) <----(credit/#a-g courses)
and any other classes i take during the summer, as long as its an a-g course, its added to my uc gpa right?</p>

<p>someone help me out? bump</p>

<p>try talk with your counselor and your teacher and beg them</p>

<p>If you received a D or F, the repeated grade will be used for your UC gpa. If you received a C or better, the repeated grade is of no help. Yes, summer after Junior year will count for UC gpa. Just add it to your Jr year list.</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Counselors](<a href=“]University”></p>