Summer Music Festival 2023

So seems to be the time to open this up for discussion for summer of 2023! S24 is a flutist and is planning on NYO2, BUTI for flute intensive and wind ensemble, and posssibly Aria Academy. Wondering if anyone has feedback on Aria? Looks amazing for a rising senior who doesnt know what he wants from college music.


Any suggestions about places other than Bowdoin with a chamber focus? For a kid who will have just graduated high school.

If they are interested in a camp like setting Greenwood and Kinhaven are amazing experiences, and they do have a lot of kids in that post HS year.

Madeline Island and Green Mountain Music Festival

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Thank you, I will check. He attended Brevard(highly recommend, he thrived) last year and was looking for something that would be as good but more Chamber focused. I know in the past he hasn’t liked the idea of festivals where a huge block of time is just devoted to “individual practice.” He has also attended Vivace, where as a young participant he was expected to be an adult.

Seems like Greenwood or Kinhaven would be a very good fit

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Anyone have thoughts on live vs recorded auditions for Tanglewood? Seems that they have a live audition date in NYC on a very convenient day and I am thinking that S24 (and I) may prefer that to the painful and expensive process of more recordings.

I’d say it’s a good way to get experience with live auditions! My S22 had all virtual auditions last year due to the covid surge, and his summer programs were all virtual because the pandemic was in full force between 10-12th grades, so he never got the opportunity.

You’ll be spending that money recording prescreens next year anyway (if he’s applying for BM/BFA audition programs). IMHO, go for it, especially if it’s convenient!


Thanks! That is my thought! He has to record different excerpts for NYO and I think that this is a great option esp since he prefers to perform live. They say there’s s no difference and I would think they would look at live auditions with a different eye than recorded ones that you can do 1 million times and still want to do more!

Hi-I am fairly certain at the “live” audition they just make a recording but you should double check that if that makes any difference to you.

Yes, that is what it is. But I can’t imagine that they hold a recording of a live audition to the same standard as a submitted recording that you can repeat as many times as you like.

My kid also strongly prefers a live audition to a submitted recording. And I would agree that the panel will judge the performance bearing in mind that it is in person and with a single take. Also agree that it is great experience to take live auditions. If any of the rep needs piano accompaniment, that puts a bit more of a challenge to the day. But also good experience.

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Another consideration is how important playing with an accompanist. I am thinking not an option if BUTI records it but could do if they you submit video? I think they say accompanist is not encouraged/or necessary but I know for some players they much prefer it.

So that is an interesting thought. I am not excited to re-record his solo pieces after having them professionally done for Youngarts and cant decide if those with accompanist would be better than ones in my house without, which was part of the reason for considering the live audition. S does fine playing alone and one of the pieces would be for solo instrument anyway.

why can’t you use young arts recordings?

He can, but they have an accompanist, this is his first time applying so not sure what they really want

you can def send with accompanist. my daughter did several years and got in.



My kid adored Kinhaven, would have been back there, but for the pandemic. Aside from it being a ton of fun, he made a lot of valuable connections there with others in the music world.

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D26 looking for recommendations for cello camps. Considering throwing her hat in the ring for NYO2, but knows it’s competitive. Any suggestions for a camp that focuses on solo performance/practice and chamber music in a college-type setting? Considering Meadowmount, Ascent, Green Mountain, Heifetz, possibly the BUTI Cello Workshop

(She’d prefer avoiding cabins, and loves orchestra but plays in a strong city Youth Orchestra during the year and wants to focus on her technique this summer)