Summer Music Festival 2023

So she is a rising sophomore right? There are less competitive camps but if she is in a youth orchestra she may not love any of them. My S went to New England Music Camp chamber intensive for two weeks. It was chamber and orchestra, not highest level but he enjoyed and they had some great teachers. It is a rustic place but there were dorms not cabins.

Thatā€™s correct. I think sheā€™s okay with competitive (personally, at least). Sheā€™s more cooperative/collaborative with others than a cutthroat predator :slight_smile:

Any feedback/experience on any of the camps I mentioned would be great, too, if it helps narrow things down a bit.

And thanks! I hadnā€™t checked out NEMC before!

Not a camp, but if she were interested Vivace is a ten-day festival in Wilmington, NC, which focuses exclusively on solo playing, All participants get to play in five master classes, can sit in on others, and go to faculty concerts. They also get a public solo performance. All of the faculty were amazing musicians/scholars/pedagogues. There is a minimum age of sixteen unless a parent accompanies as an auditor, and the participants stay in hotels and are expected to be responsible for themselves. My son had a fabulous roommate and they became fast friends.

So S trying to finalize his NYO2 application and start on BUTI, anyone have insight on the importance of the video and written essays? He will of course do them and take them seriously but just wondering if anyone knows how much they come into play for the final decisions.


Does anyone have experience with both Brevard and Interlochen for piano? DS (25) did Brevard last summer. Loved it and would happily return, but also exploring elsewhere and interested in hearing about comparison with Interlochen HS piano experience. Also looking at Carnegie Mellon summer program, which seems to be very different model and would love to hear thoughts on experience with that one. Thanks!

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Sorry ā€“ HS class of 2025!

My son went to Brevard and said the kids who had been to Interlochen had a tendency to be disruptive in class, not as focused on musical pursuits, somewhat lacking in work ethic, etc. even though they obviously loved music. They were cliquey and didnā€™t seem to take advantage of all Brevard had to offer. You might want to research the social atmosphere at Interlochen and that there have been some past administrative problems with faculty members.

You said sheā€™d prefer avoiding cabins, and BUTI isnā€™t cabins, but itā€™s very very rustic/basic as far as living conditions go, so just be prepared for that! I think the workshops are good, but the real magic of BUTI happens during the 6 week orchestra program when the kids can go to Tanglewood many evenings. Not as much goes on during the 2 week programs.

Look into EMF: strong cello faculty and pretty nice housing. No cabins, although cabins could be charming.

Thanks! Sheā€™s looking for more of a solo-focused program than an orchestral camp this year, but weā€™ve heard wonderful things about the BUTI Youth Orchestra.

A program that is not cabin based and definitely lower level than all of the others in terms of acceptance is the Philadelphia International Music Festival. They have an orchestra and solo performance program and the kids work with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. It was held at a military academy the year my son did it and was quite spartan but each kid had their own room and it was dorm based.


Yes, pre-pandemic it was at Bryn Mawr. My son was scheduled to participate in the Chamber Music Intensive the first pandemic summer and they were able to do a virtual version(but sadly, without the chamber focus). He got to work with some great people - Louis Scaglione and Mr. Barnes, the cellist at the Phil Orch. He also enjoyed the classes he took.

This summer, as we were dropping my son off at Brevard, the first person he met at his cabin was another cellist, who recognized him from the PIMF program, even though everything had been virtual. Neither my son nor the other cellist live anywhere near Philly!

My S was very impressed with the flutist from the Phil Orchestra and greatly enjoyed the lesson with him. To refer back to the class of 2027 thread it was great for a young male flutist to work with a professional male flutist!


Does anyone know if it is more likely to be accepted at Bowdoin if specifying faculty or letting the festival choose? On the one hand, asking for specific faculty shows interest in working with them, but on the other, all the faculty are good and my son would be happy to work with any of them!

S24 is finishing up BUTI application! Hoping it works out, only at this point applying there and to NYO2.


Dumb question for everyone out there, does anyone remember if the tanglewood notifications came out before the stated release date? They are saying April 1 this year and I would love to make summer plans before then!

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Last year it was February 23 for my daughter, just checked.


We heard from Interlochen today. They are only giving us two weeks to accept the offer. Thatā€™s not enough time to hear from other programs.

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they generally extend if you ask.


Where else did you apply? I am hoping some of the other programs will respond soon

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