summer opera programs

<p>Hi all --
I was hoping that someone out there would know of an excellent summer opera program that wasn't already way, way past its application and audition deadline, for a college student. School-based or festival based both fine. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>(This was originally posted on the Parent's forum, but it was suggested that I repost here.)</p>

<p>The master festival/summer program list is here <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s a pretty inclusive listing.</p>

<p>Where do you live, how long of a program do you want, what is your voice type, and what can you pay?</p>

<p>Try the Opera Institute for Young Singers. It’s a 3-week program for high school students. My D did it last year. They worked her hard but she loved every minute. See [Washington</a> National Opera - Education and Community Programs - Performance Training For Youth](<a href=“]Washington”></p>

<p>Try the Institute for Dramatic Young Singers. They are picky about only bringing in certain voice types (not that others aren’t good, they just focus on certain ones). My
son did it last summer and probably will this summer as well. It was life changing for him.
It is a free program, you just have to pay a “small” amount toward living expenses.</p>

<p>Hi again. Thanks so much for the master list, but would still greatly appreciate specific suggestions. </p>

<p>In response to lorelei’s questions: 20 y.o. soprano currently attending university and not conservatory. Loved Tanglewood and other hs programs when younger. Could travel to a program in the US or elsewhere, and could pay – hopefully not a heart-stopping amount. There’s some flexibility as to the length of the program. Just hope there are high quality programs still available and that she’ll qualify.</p>

<p>Clearly, it is very late for auditions, too late for Aspen and a number of other wonderful summer opera programs for the upcoming summer. Are there alternatives?</p>