Summer Program Big List- Data/Info - keep adding

<p>Perry-Mansfield, Steamboat Springs, CO 6-week,
HS & College Session June 16th - July 30, 2006.<br>
Application and video auditions due February 1, 2006
Live will be held February 12 in NYC
Acceptances are sent out March 15th
Major in Dance, Drama, or MT [art & writing classes; private: instrument, voice and equestrian also available]
College Credit thru U of Colorado available<br>
website: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
[being updated right now-download the PDF file for best info]</p>

<p>UMich MT Summer Program - Ann Arbor, MI - July 9 through July 29, 2006
Web site: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>Leave it to a dad to be concise and to the point :)
Maybe I should change my name to "gabbymom"?</p>

<p>Thanks vocaldad</p>

<p>I wondering if anyone out there knows about an excellent pre-college program in Canada. Im an eastern canadian who is looking for a program to attend in the summer.. does anyone have any ideas?</p>

<p>Not a pre-college program, but there's a WONDERFUL arts camp in Ontario:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>My daughter attended for two summers and loved each and every minute of it.</p>

<p>I second the recommendation of Centauri. I know many kids who have gone there and I've never heard a negative thing about it. The kids love it! They attract campers from all over the U.S. and Canada, and one year that one of my Ds was there, there were kids from Mexico and a couple of Latin American countries. It's a great place! They have a wonderful tour at the end of the summer with senior kids to Europe to perform. Great experience.</p>

<p>Alwaysamom...perhaps our kids know each another! My d did the last two international tours (Ireland in 2004 and England/Wales in 2005). It is really a wonderful program.</p>

<p>thanx a bunch about your information!
when i looked at the pictures it seemed less intense and
intense programing is what i needed seeing as im in grade 11 and
university auditions will be comming up shortly. Would you still recommend this program to me? hmm if not are there any other you know of??
Im interested in this europe tour thing could you explain this to me? would this cost me extra to do? and on the site it said that their musical theatre program is all full for 2006.. is it likely that it would be full so early?!??!?!</p>

<p>As wonderful as the program is, I don't think it tries to be college prep-oriented and it probably wouldn't meet those specific needs (audition training, etc.) directly. I'm sorry, I don't know of any college-prep programs in Canada, but you might want to start with the universities in your area and see what they offer.</p>

<p>Re the International Tour -- I don't think they're doing one in 2006. The camp owners/directors are about to become new parents and the logistics were just too difficult with a brand new baby. There is an extra cost associated with the tour, but it's pretty reasonable.</p>

<p>Re Musical Theatre filling up -- yes, it's pretty common for their most popular programs to fill as soon as they're announced. My daughter was on a waitlist for a couple of years before she got a spot on the tour. But, it was worth the wait! :)</p>

<p>OCU 3 week summer program for HS students is highly recommended (I think it is called vocal arts academy). I think they may start in June this next summer. This program is reasonably priced, offers the opportunity for you to work with the regular excellent faculty in the college program, offers intensive classes all day every day (except weekends) in all areas of MT, and includes working nights and weekends on a musical production that is performed at the end of camp. It was absolutely a life changing experience. More was posted last July / August on a summer program thread.</p>

<p>Summer Program Big List-add what you know </p>

<p>Perry-Mansfield, Steamboat Springs, CO 6-week,
HS & College Session June 16th - July 30, 2006.
Application and video auditions due February 1, 2006
Live will be held February 12 in NYC
Acceptances are sent out March 15th
Major in Dance, Drama, or MT [art & writing classes; private: instrument, voice and equestrian also available]
College Credit thru U of Colorado available
website: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
[being updated right now-download the PDF file for best info]</p>

<p>UMich MT Summer Program - Ann Arbor, MI - July 9 through July 29, 2006
Web site: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Application for the 2006 session of California State Summer School for the Arts--InnerSpark were just released.</p>

<p>You can get them now at: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The application deadline is February 28, 2006, and the session will run at CalArts, in Valencia, from July 8 through August 5, 2006.</p>

<p>This is funded by the state of Calif., so only a few out-of-state kids are admitted.</p>


<p>My d is applying to CMU's pre-college program. It's 6 weeks from June 24 - August 4, and definitely intensive from what we have heard. Also very costly and they offer NO scholarships to this program. I am sure some other parents who's children have attended will chime in or you can search past posts. The applications are up online at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It offers a lot in terms of audition prep for college auditions and my d is also a junior. She filled out the paperwork and is having her counselor write his rec now so we can get it in after the holidays. But I don't think it is due until May 1st. </p>

<p>Good luck!!!</p>

<p>I did the CMU pre-college program this summer and it really was the best thing I ever did! The classes were fabulous and the friends I made are just the most wonderful people I could ever meet. If anyone wants more info and has questions about the program, feel free to PM me!</p>

<p>Check out your state's Governor's School. My son attended the one in PA for dance and found the experience to be life changing! He highly recommends this training. It's free but does require several auditions.</p>

<p>Summer Program Big List-add what you know </p>

<p>Perry-Mansfield, Steamboat Springs, CO 6-week,
HS & College Session June 16th - July 30, 2006.
Application and video auditions due February 1, 2006
Live will be held February 12 in NYC
Acceptances are sent out March 15th
Major in Dance, Drama, or MT [art & writing classes; private: instrument, voice and equestrian also available]
College Credit thru U of Colorado available
website: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
[being updated right now-download the PDF file for best info]</p>

<p>UMich MT Summer Program - Ann Arbor, MI - July 9 through July 29, 2006
Web site: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>CalArts - InnerSpark
Application for the 2006 session of California State Summer School for the Arts--InnerSpark can be found at: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Application deadline is February 28, 2006,<br>
Session will run at CalArts, in Valencia, July 8 - August 5, 2006.
This is funded by the state of Calif., so only a few out-of-state kids are admitted.</p>

<p>CMU's pre-college program.
6 weeks from June 24 - August 4,
Definitely intensive from what we have heard
NO scholarships to this program
Applications are online at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For discussions about these and other programs, please see the Summer Programs thread.</p>

<p>And please keep adding to the list. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>There are two threads right now to do with summer programs. I'll let that be BUT I've made this one JUST into data/information about the programs, that can be continually added on but let's not use it for discussion of the programs. The other thread "Summer Programs", I'll rename "Summer Programs - Discussion" and that's where you may keep the sharing of programs and discussion alive. </p>

<p>Carry on!

<p>Thank you CM!</p>

<p>two very intense summer programs at great arts high schools:</p>

<p>Walnut Hill summer (ages 13-17) near Boston, MA mid-June thru early August <a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>Interlochen summer (high school grades as well as programs for younger students) Michigan June 24-August 7
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>This is a 2 week program requiring a taped vocal audition. My d loved it last summer and learned so much. Program was well organized and the instructors were very involved and supportive. Information is available on their website.</p>