Summer Program Big List- Data/Info - keep adding

<p>My d attended the US Performing Arts Musical Theater summer program in Washington, DC at the American University Campus. She attended for 2 summers and enjoyed the program. They were 1 week sessions with kids attending 1,2 or 3 sessions. The DC program had an affiliation with both The Kennedy Center and with American. Classes were taught by some AU faculty and Kennedy Center professionals. The campers lived/ate in the AU dorms. She considered this a very good experience.</p>

<p>Brooklyn College Preparatory Center <a href=""&gt;;/a>
is having classes and a special two week intensive musical theatre workshop this summer, starting July 16- July 27th.</p>

<p>Check out their website. They had an ad in backstage this week for scholarships. The workshop is on the campus of Brooklyn College.</p>

<p>University of the Arts Summer Program for High School Students
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
4 week conservatory style MT program in Philadelphia. Located in the center of the theatre district. Reasonably priced compared to other pre-college summer programs for high school students.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted into this program. Does anyone know anything about it?</p>

<p>Here's the new website link
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>does anyone know much about the Dallas Summer Musicals School of Musical Theatre summer intensive? i'm attending this summer and any info on it would be great.</p>

<p>I'm not sure but I think someone who used to post here named Mary Anna is involved with DSM in some capacity. She has coached many students to successful college auditions from what I've heard. Do you know if anyone by that name is part of the summer program? I think it would be a great opportunity to get to work with her. Of course, I could be (and usually am) confused about her working with DSM.</p>

<p>The same Mary Anna who used to post here is in fact involved with the DSM Summer Program. I have worked with both Mary Anna and the head of the DSM School, Vicki Squires, and they are both great - talented, ultra-experienced, dedicated to their students, and a lot of fun! The program itself sounds great, from what I've heard - it culiminates in a revue production centered around the shows that DSM will be doing during the upcoming year. Email me and I can give you contact info for some of the students and faculty from DSM. (I taught a workshop there this past year.) The students, by the way, are VERY nice and really talented - I think you'll have a great time!!! :)</p>

<p>thanks for the past two posts! the intensive starts on monday and i'm super excited. wicked was here this summer and we're doing some stuff from that show which is even more exciting! Raymond Sage is the guest instructor for the intensive. I've never heard of him, but he sounds like a great teacher!</p>

<p>Re: Circle in the Square--a few students from S's performing arts high school have attended Circle's summer programs for the past three summers and found them great learning experiences.</p>

<p>Vermont Vocal Arts Institute</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Run by Lisa Sheldon from Boston Conservatory and Jason Kirchik from the Red Fox Lodge in VT. My daughter went to their 1st year this past summer and had a great time, learned alot and made friends forever. Next year they are going to do 2 wks. Along with Lisa and Jason they had 2 students that just graduated from Boco. I think my daughter got so much from them too just sitting around at night and talking about their experiences.</p>

<p>I was looking at the Broadway Artists Alliance camp and wondered if anybody was familiar with it. The website looked interesting.</p>

<p>POTO Mom, as I tried to direct you yesterday, this thread (glad you found it!) is JUST for listings of information for each program. There is another thread, as I mentioned, for DISCUSSIONS of summer programs. We like to keep this thread just for a listing/descriptions. For discussions, here again is the other thread where it is good for posting questions and getting responses:</p>

<p>Summer Program discussion thread (this is the actual discussion, not data, about the programs...ongoing):
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Boston Conservatory has a two week intensive program for high school students: Vocal/Choral Institue. It includes classical, choral and musical theater voice training, as well as music theory, "acting the song", and physicality on stage. Requires an audio audition tape/CD for acceptance with approx 50 kids in program.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

The link you provided for this doesn't look complete. I am unable to link in, are there any letters left out? And is there an updated list available for 2008 Summer Pre-College Intensive Programs for Musical Theater? The Big List doesn't have the most current information. Thanks for your knowledge and assistance. :)</p>

<p>Mom at Home, </p>

<p>Hmmm, I am not sure why the link I posted in that post meant to take you to the thread on Summer Program Discussions did not work right. I looked up the thread again and here is the link:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I hope that works for you. You also can do a search of the MT Forum using "summer programs" for the thread title. I will also "bump" up that discussion thread to the front page for you in a moment. </p>

<p>I have a bunch of data on summer MT programs from last year as I had clients who I was working with who were applying and I researched them all. I am not currently working with anyone applying to summer programs and have not looked up current dates, etc. But I feel you can easily use the listings on this thread, which many members have contributed to, to get the basic information and then one can go to the websites to find the current program dates. I can't do that research for the forum myself as a volunteer as I am extremely busy right now with clients applying to college. If anyone feels like taking it on, they can. But I feel we do have a good listing on this thread and it just means a bit of looking at the individual websites or calling the programs to get more information. The names of the programs are not that different year to year and if new ones emerge, people will hopefully add them to this list. Also, if you have specific questions, post them on the Summer Program Discussion thread and maybe someone can volunteer the specific information you are seeking. As well, if the program is affiliated with a college, you can post specific questions about it on that college's sub forum at the top of the main MT forum and hopefully someone familiar with the program will respond.</p>

<p>CC is just a volunteer by participation message board. There is nobody gathering information to set up information on the site. People share what they know on a volunteer basis.</p>

<p>I received an email about Oklahoma City University's Summer Music Program. After reading numerous wonderful things on this site, I asked for more information. Here are the dates of their programs:</p>

<p>High School Musical Theater Program
Session I June 14 - July 6
Session II July 12 - August 2
(show TBA in November)</p>

<p>Vocal Arts Institute (classical voice/opera)
June 28 - July 12
(show TBA in November)</p>

<p>Junior High Musical Theater Program
Session I June 14 - June 28
Session II July 12 - July 26
(show TBA in November)</p>

<p>For information, their website is:Oklahoma</a> City University : Music : Performing Arts Academy</p>

<p>Any suggestions for summer options for college students, specifically between frosh and soph years? I'm wondering about the RADA shorter summer programs (expensive!) and whether they might be worth the investment this summer since study abroad means missing at least a term from a program (CMU) that is hard to imagine missing! Summer stock and other performing options seem a bit too much this first summer---S needs some of the summer just to recuperate and earn some money!
All suggestions appreciated.</p>

<p>See recently bumped thread on Summer Discussions.</p>

<p>I haven't seen many posts re: Syracuse since they cancelled the program last summer, but it looks like it's on for summer 2008</p>

<p>Acting</a> & Musical Theatre</p>