summer program for college students

<p>Hey y'all, </p>

<p>I'm looking for a good musical theater summer program for college level students. Sorry if this has been discussed previously, but most of the threads I read are for high school students, and it's hard to search for it since the word 'college' shows up in most of the threads about high school students anyway. Any help?</p>


<p>Off the top of my head…</p>

<p>Circle in the Square Theater School’s Summer Musical Theatre Workshop
CAP21’s Summer Professional Musical Theater Training Program
Broadway Theater Project</p>


<p>anyone else know of any?</p>

<p>bumping for tltl. is this what you were thinking of?</p>

<p>Thanks musicmom but it’s not what I remembered. I was thinking (maybe dreaming) there was a long list, maybe 20-25, of summer programs for college students. I will keep searching and if I “re”-find it, I’ll let you know. Thanks so much for the help!!</p>

<p>Overtures at the Signature Theatre
Manhattan School of Music: Professional Musical Theatre Workshop
NYU - Tisch Summer Program… Musical Theatre is an option.</p>

<p>Junior Member</p>

<p>Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 202</p>

<p>Boston Conservatory MT Summer Intensive (First Annual)</p>

<p>July 17 - August 6th.</p>

<p>Requires dance audition. Check the school website. Dance auditions are being conducted around the country or you can mail a video. </p>

<p>This program is for High School, College and Pro’s.</p>

<p>Broadway Comes To Denver (squeeze that together and add a dot com) If you’d like any information you can PM me.</p>

<p>Ok…I did some looking, and came up with quite a list. There’s the ones everyone else has mentioned before, plus some new ones. I’m pretty sure that they all accept college students. List:</p>

6 weeks</p>

<p>Broadway Theater Project
College age programs are dance or voice only
3 weeks</p>

North Carolina
Has 3 or 4 week option</p>

<p>Boston Conservatory
Boston, Mass.
3 weeks</p>

<p>NYU Steinhardt
2 1/2 weeks</p>

<p>Univ. of Montana
Offers some summer MT courses but is not an intensive program
4 weeks</p>

<p>De Sales Univ.
Lehigh PA
1.5 or 3.5 weeks</p>

<p>Circle in the Square
7 weeks
NOTE: no housing is provided </p>

<p>CAP21 Professional
6 weeks
NOTE: no housing is provided, can stay at NYU as associate</p>

<p>Manhattan School of Music
4 weeks</p>

<p>Broadway Comes to Denver
9 days
NOTE: no housing provided, can stay at hotel or with host family</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about these programs. I haven’t been to any of them, but plan on attending one of them in one of the coming summers.</p>

<p>Also UC Davis, but you should live near there, because their final performances are during the typical semester. [Department</a> of Theatre & Dance - Production Details](<a href=“Theatre and Dance - UC Davis Arts”>Theatre and Dance - UC Davis Arts)</p>