Summer program - good way to get a feel for the school?

Reading CC has me wanting to my DD to consider UA. I noticed that they have a summer journalism program for minority high school students. Would attending this program give her a good feel for the place? or would the fact that it is summer make it a less than ideal time to visit? Thanks.

I wouldn’t think that summer would give an impression of what the school is like during the school year.

Have you visited during the school year on a school day?

Attending ANY uni’s summer program is an excellent trial to see if a student could see themselves going there…and more importantly if they can see themselves doing that major/field of study. Well worth the money to confirm both of those things! Good luck!

No we have never been to Alabama, it wasn’t even on our radar until I started reading CC.
You all make it sound wonderful.

Also, DD is only in 10th grade now, so we haven’t started visiting university’s yet.

UA is far from us so the summer program (which is free I think) gives added value to our travel dollars.
But I also want her get a realistic picture of what it would be like to attend there.

With the scholarships and everything, it seems like a better deal than the schools in our home state.

Which program is this? Can you send a link!/entry/mjp,388

I think this is it.

Now that I read what it is, I think it could be a very good experience.

Yes. That’s the one.

What would you say is the ideal time to visit for oos students. Is there a particular event that many attend? Which year and semester of high school do most potential students visit? Thanks!

DS visited UA spring break of Junior year of high school. His first visit to any school was summer before Junior year, then we did a couple closer schools in fall, 3 over spring break and another 3 over summer between junior/senior year. The final 2 were visited during spring break of Senior year as he was trying to make his final decision.

When we went to UA, it was set up through the honors college (as m2ck usually suggests). They had a full day scheduled for us and we had some great one-on-one time with several different people. So much more personal than one of the larger tours that we did at several other schools.