<p>So I am a senior in high school right now and still in the processing of finalizing my college applications. </p>
<p>Anyways, I know that at this time of year all the ambitious kids are trying to apply to prestigious or good summer programs to pad up their resumes and probably also have a good time with other bright kids at the same time.</p>
<p>But I was wondering what is a productive way for an ambitious rising-freshman-in-college to spend the summer, other than finding a job to make some $$ for college tuition?</p>
<p>Journey to Jordan is a pretty amazing opportunity if you are interested in the Arabic language or the Middle East.
18-year-old H.S. graduates are eligible. (It is possible to arrange to receive six college credits; you learn a lot of Arabic.) Journey</a> to Jordan</p>
<p>are there any programs for rising seniors that are not science or language based. i want to study business in college, so it would be good for me to do something with business, but i would not mind doing some kind of community service program abroad.</p>
<p>^ Columbia does…I think it pretends it doesn’t, but if you start to fill out the application, you’ll find one for rising first-year college studs :)</p>