SUMMER programs for the biology subject!?

<p>i am an international student really interested in getting into a prestigious scholarship based summer program, basically in US. am a high school sophomore .i am interested in subject Biology , biomedical sciences , biotechnology or any thing related with biology? is there any summer program that might be of some worth and scholarship based? um...please help :&lt;/p>

<p>Rockefeller University Biology program is great program, not as selective, but a great experience and very hard to get into, only 40 spots. </p>

<p>[The</a> Rockefeller University » Summer High School Science Outreach Program](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>No room and board at Rockefeller, so that makes very little sense for an international student. There are almost no summer programs for sophomores that are tuition free (and even the ones for juniors/seniors are super competitive). Here is a link that will lead you to many science oriented programs. Note that many do not offer any lodging, so you need to watch for that:</p>

<p>[High</a> School Internships](<a href=“]High”></p>

<p>rockefeller has room and board, but you’ll have to pay for those, and it’s in NYC so you can find a cheap hotel or something.</p>

<p>“The Outreach Program does not provide room and board to its participants. Most of our students come from the New York Metropolitan area; those who don’t must secure their own accommodations.” From the Rockefeller link you provided. There aren’t many “cheap” hotel in NY – that would be difficult for a sophomore international student to arrange, as well. As the parent of a sophomore, I personally would not let my kid go to a program that did not have some kind of housing arrangement unless I could make arrangements for them to board with a family friend or something.</p>

<p>thank u guys…</p>

<p>well @shushugah … um…wouldn’t it be like real hectic and expensive to find a accommodation at NYC…i mean come on! its NYC! .
Well i would love to go to some RESIDENTIAL summer institute… btw i have applied on Stanford one, but have been hearing too much criticism about it! . Well it does provide 90% scholarship. it can be hard but i am definitely ready for any competition how hard it may be!</p>

<p>Does the Stanford one have housing? I was thinking that they also did not.</p>

<p>stanford one got the housing facility…:)</p>

<p>Which Stanford program? Not SIMR…</p>

<p>EPGY…stanfords epgy summer institute…</p>