Summer Programs Question

<p>New member here. I have lurked a while and have seen many great threads about several pertinent items. I have a D that will be a HS junior next fall and is very interested in pursuing a BFA or similar in MT.</p>

<p>My question is this...are there any summer programs that are taught by the college faculty, or ones that provide opportunities to be seen by the same people that organize formal auditions for entry to those schools?</p>

<p>Some of these summer programs are so expensive, it would be nice to know that the kids receive exposure as well as training.</p>

<p>University of the Arts summer MT program is taught by the “senior” faculty of the MT BFA program. It is a great program and in addition to the training and experience a student gets, it enables a student to get a sense of what the school is all about and the educational “culture” of the school. I highly recommend it.</p>

<p>Syracuse is another school that has a summer MT program. In the past, about half the faculty was “senior” faculty from the theatre/MT program but it was restructured about a year or so ago and I don’t know how it is run now.</p>

<p>OCU’s summer program is taught by the faculty.</p>