Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>How good is NJ Gov School?</p>

<p>I heard it was actually pretty good, a friend of mine went there.</p>

<p>I meant more in terms of helping for Ivy applications, haha</p>

<p>Oh. <em>laughs</em> Well, the friend that went there is currently attending MIT, soā€¦</p>

<p>Wow Josh Casto, judging from your comments, it doesnā€™t sound like NJ Governorā€™s School is for youā€¦As an alum, I know that itā€™s about actually doing things because you have an interest. Honestly, no one there likes the grade-grubbing kids like you. Not everything is about your Ivy applicationā€¦</p>

<p>Um, I am intensely devoted to politics and law. Iā€™ve worked hard to become President of MUN/MC, Team Captain of Mock Trial, and ace AP Gov. Iā€™ve known for over a year that I want to be a lawyer.</p>

<p>Iā€™m simply curious to find out how the program is viewed. Considering that the vast majority of people who matriculated from Gov School apply to Ivy League schools, I highly doubt none of them ā€“ yourself included ā€“ didnā€™t consider how Gov School would help them ā€“ not just in terms of shaping their views, but shaping their future.</p>

<p>I applied because its an invaluable experience. I am excited for some of the speakers who will be there, and Iā€™m looking forward to spending two weeks with 29 other smart kids. I think itā€™s pretty judgmental of you to infer from two casual comments that I am some grade-grubber. Man.</p>

<p>Anyone heard of U of Vermont, GIV (Governorā€™s School), Summer Engineering Institute for High School students? Are ā€œGovernorā€™s Schoolsā€ anything special? Accepted, but it is somewhat expensive for out of state student ā€” $1500/wk</p>

<p>Actually, Josh, I didnā€™t worry about how NJ Gov School would help me on my app. Itā€™s supposed to be about giving back to the state and the community. After all, you get to go for FREE. You can list all the officer positions you want, but it seems from your other posts that you just care about beating the competition and getting into Princeton. My sister is going to the Gov School of International Studies this year. Sheā€™s actually intelligent, caring, and motivated because she wants to help others. Iā€™ve already warned her about you and other people like you. Sorry if I seem judgmental to you, but Gov School is about passionate people with an interest, and your posts show that you doing it for selfish reasons.</p>

<p>anyone ever attend WPI launch program for entering 9th and 10th graders? Esp the video game design track?</p>

<p>Actually, ā€œcooljazz,ā€ whoever you are, you ARE being judgmental because I DO have an interest in this and youā€™re telling me that I donā€™t. Law is what Iā€™ve centered my education around. Curiosity about its prestige does not equate with total disregard for its educational and social value. Desire to attend a school where I can equip myself with legal skills (Princeton) and to be in a position where I can help others (DA) does not equate with a reckless abandon of care for people. I am passionate about what I do. I wouldnā€™t waste my time leading those activities if I didnā€™t care about them. Iā€™d do some easy, cop-out leadership positions.</p>

<p>Furthermore, youā€™re twisting my words ā€“ I said ā€œconsider,ā€ not ā€œworry,ā€ and listed my leadership to demonstrate how Iā€™ve cared, not to brag. Iā€™m really appalled by how youā€™re making a blanket judgment about me based on a few online posts. Instead of telling your sister to judge me before she even meets me, wait until the end of July and see what she thinks herself.</p>

<p>Another research based summer program here: University of Iowaā€™s SSTP.</p>

<p>Do any of these let freshmen apply?</p>

<p>^ Many math programs let younger students apply.</p>

<p>anywhere with a really late deadline?
like, REALLY late?</p>

<p>^Lots of programs have rolling admissions. However, these are generally not prestigious.
Check out EPGY [EPGY</a> Summer Institutes](<a href=ā€œ]EPGYā€> Itā€™s expensive, but Iā€™ve heard that it is a great experience. I applied May 20th and got in sometime around May 27th (but I turned them down) and theyā€™re still accepting applications for some summer courses. Alot of the popular ones are taken though (biotech, biomed, math, etc).
Some pre-college summer courses that offer college credit are still accepting. Just mass email a bunch of executive directors and ask if they have any space. Apparently Pepperdine is still accepting if you hurry [High</a> School Students | Summer School | Seaver College | Pepperdine University](<a href=ā€œ]Highā€> Even though the website says that the deadline was a month ago, email the director to ask if there are any available spaces. I know someone on CC that is applying today, and she said that is was because Pepperdine still had some spaces left.
Also, lots and lots of debate camps have June deadlines.</p>

<p>Know anything about these? Which ones are worthwhile?</p>

<p>i havenā€™t found many business orientated summer programs. Any suggestions that i could look into?</p>

<p>^Iā€™ve heard LEAD is a good business program.</p>

<p>Is there any online programs that are work at your on pace that have no admission dates?</p>

<p>I am currently in a bad financial situation and was not about to go to any of my planned summer programs (still holding out on debate camp financial aid)ā€¦ and i dont have the money to start anything online as of right now</p>

<p>^BYU , Keystone.
Iā€™m not sure about the deadlines for these: Northwestern CTD, CTY Online, National University Virtual High School</p>