Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>I don't know anyone who's participated in this one (UConn Mentor Connection), but it sounds interesting. Dr. Joseph Renzulli at UConn is THE person most associated with research in gifted education.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Isn't Apex only for students who are Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars? Or not?</p>

<p>tokenadult :</p>

<p>Looks like Apex program is only for Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars.</p>

<p>Uhmmmm... Last year the deadline for the TASP apps was January something, so yeah, you get it in December. I did some of the essays a day or two before and I didn't even send in ONE of the essays: the literary analysis. My PC was messing up and it was a huge catastrophe with the internet, but I still got my interview even without that essay.... and then later they told me to send in the essay, so I did and it all worked out. ^_^ I think you have a little over a month or something to write the essays.... That or a month, I honestly don't remember, lol.</p>

<p>The best advice I can give you is BE YOURSELF. Talk about what you know and what you love. Be passionate, have a point of view and DEFEND IT. Your book list just had to be a bulleted list of everything you read, explaining which things were for school and which were not (I just used an asterisk for school stuff). They want diversity and true desire for knowledge. They want passion and uniqueness. If you have those things, you shouldn't worry so much. You don't have to have straight A's, though most TASPers are damn brilliant, lol: it's more important to be TRULY intelligent and think for yourself... Be able to analyze things critically and just kick major butt. <em>grin</em></p>

<p>What else, what else... IT'S FREE! AND IT IS SIX-WEEKS LONG! It's friggin' amazing, so just apply, darnit.</p>

<p>I'm doing a summer program at John Hopkins and I and I think others are wondering how much attending a summer program would help your admission, specifically at the college itself.</p>

<p>It depends on the summer program. If you are doing a precollege program where you take college classes for credit, it isn't going to help in your admissions, but it won't be of harm either. It will just show that you didn't waste your summer.</p>

<p>Will it be anymore appealing to the actual college that held the program when admission time comes around?</p>

<p>I've heard that if you go to a summer program at the college you applied to then it will increase your chances for your admission because they know that you've spent time at the school or something like that.</p>

<p>um...i don't think it would be that big of a deal considering many of the classes they offer in the session aren't normal the rate of acceptance to these kind of programs are very high...if you do well in the classes then i would think it would look pretty good but won't guarentee admission</p>

<p>I went to the harvard program and from that I can tell you that to get into these programs doesn't mean just means you aren't screwing up in school.</p>

Thats what I was thinking but I applied to this JHU program with a 3.33 GPA which is pretty low for them and I got accepted within a week, but then again, it would show intrest.</p>

<p>I think the only program that affects chances for admission are the following in the order of merit</p>


<p>parentofviyhope, dont' you think that list is a little limited? There are plenty of other programs that can affect admission</p>

<p>TASP is freaking prestigious too.</p>

<p>Isn't LEAD supposed to be high up on there too? We should make an official list of badass summer programs :D hahahah</p>

<p>Actually, I believe (and so do past TASPers) that TASP has nothing to do with admission: TASPers just happen to go to ivys because of who they were before TASP, not because of it.</p>

<p>Bronfman Youth Fellowship in Israel, baby!</p>

<p>Check it out at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

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<p>my best friend went to Harvard SSP. But got rejected from Harvard and most top private schools she applied to. So I'm guessing it doesn't weigh that much.
But she took calculus so she freed up her schedule in senior year and doesn't have to take it in college either.</p>

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<p>Write on for Israel's very prestigious.</p>

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<p>How about Jackson Lab Summer Student Program? It only accepted a couple of high school students each summer from several hundreds application and doing the decent genetic-relted work with more than 3000 dollars payment.</p>

<p>Every year students go to summer programs at Wharton, Harvard, Smith etc. with the hope of being accepted into the University. It does not work. It just gives you false hope. Go to a summer program if you are deeply interested in the offerings.</p>

<p>Hey, how about governor schools? i hear they are quite prestigious as well.</p>