summer programs the year before college

<p>I am a senior in high school and i have found a lot of summer programs for high school students, but i think it would be weird to go on a high school program the summer before i start college. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do this summer? Any good internship programs for older students?</p>

<p>Jackson Laboratory summer internships
National Youth Science Camp (very selective)</p>

<p>im not really into science but thanks for your response</p>

<p>any just for fun summer camps for smart high school seniors out there? Like a lil bit of academics is alright but mostly just to have fun?</p>

<p>I plan to do the Boston U summer program after hs, the internship one, even though I have no interest in the school itself. It can get credits out of the way, can let you take a total of four classes AND apply and participate in an internship program of your choice (which would be law for me). </p>

<p>This way I can take classes that I’m thinking about majoring in in college, and it can help me decide which major would be the best idea early on so I’m not an Indecisive Ivan come freshman year.</p>

<p>The Boston U summer program sounds interesting, i havent heard about it… im gona look it up</p>

<p>@ Trickstylez: I went to the International Summer School Of Schotland this summer;
there are a lot of 18 year olds as well… Really fun and academically quite challenging as well! Downside: the program is pretty expensive (a.k.a. 3000 pounds –> 5500 dollars?!)</p>

<p>This is pretty far out, I know, but how about a part-time job along with plenty of time to relax and have fun?</p>

<p>^ well thats what i plan to do most of the summer, but iwas thinking for a couple of weeks to go somewhere and do something fun too. I dunno maybe i will go somewhere like camping with friends or something.</p>

<p>That international summer school sounds fun, but 5500 dollars is too much right before college .</p>