<p>Damn dude…</p>
<p>Good luck keeping your GPA to a 4.0 if you can’t ace get Chem (even without putting effort in).</p>
<p>Medical school is INCREDIBLY COMPETITIVE!! When I say incredibly competitive, I mean it. If you want to go to a good medical school, you have to work really hard. How hard? Hard enough to make your eyes bleed. No kidding.</p>
<p>Just to tell you a short story. My buddy has a 3.94 GPA, a bunch of research and volunteering and hospitals, member of many clubs, goes to UMass Amherst. He applied to UMass Worcester and just recently got rejected. I mean, he goes to the UMass system and gets rejected. Applying within school systems is a safer way to get acceptance to programs, such as medical school. </p>
<p>What does this tell you? There are students better than him. It may not always be the case. Now with Obama heading the country, if you are black/hispanic you get the priority. If you have an applicant that is white, like my buddy with a 3.94 and a black applicant with a 3.6, they will accept the black guy just because he is a “minority” in the field. </p>
<p>So, if you are a white college student, you have to basically be perfect, which I think is absolute ********. Not fair. But what can you do?</p>
<p>Just gives you a perspective of how hard you really have to work. I mean, a C+ isn’t something to be worried about now. I presume that you are a freshman in college. You can try and retake it. </p>
<p>Just remember, don’t settle for ANYTHING less than an A. Anything below A is failure. Don’t get B’s, you won’t have a chance at a good medical school (or any medical school for that matter).</p>
<p>Again, as for the C+, retake it. However, don’t settle for anything less than an A.</p>