Summer Science Program 2022 (SSP)

ah, not too familiar with international stuff, but do you think you could possibly give me like a prediction on my odds?

4.0 gpa, 4.32 weighted gpa
4.0 gpa at my local community college, took about 40 credits worth of classes (12 semester-long classes)
No test scores at the time aside from a 5 on ap calc bc

ig my main accomplishments that I emphasized
Vice captain on robotics team (pretty good, made worlds last year)
usaco gold (cs competition, top 1000 in nation)
3x AIME qualification (math competition, top 2.5% in nation)

i think my essays and recommendations were both pretty good, spent a good amount of time writing and editing my essays and most of my teachers probably see me as like a pretty smart kid

congratulations on all your accomplishments, you seem awesome! but ssp is holistic, theres no point in chancing stats because everything is processed on a case-by-case basis.

yeah i’m hearing that a lot, just hoping my essays are good enough, but I guess there’s no point thinking about it anymore

yeah as long as you’re authentic and your passion for science shows through, i think you’re fine. did you have any alumni read your essays?

no i didn’t unfortunately. I got a couple of my friends to though, one of them is qualified enough that i trust their opinion, though i guess i should have looked for some ssp alumni specifically. i think i just tried to emphasize my love for math, cs, and physics, though I fear i may have been a bit too vague in the why ssp essay.


Impressive! I’d say you have really good qualifications, and based on my experience I think you’re chances of getting in are really good, as long as your essays made you stand out enough. Just a piece of advice, maybe consider taking more APs :slight_smile:

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Yep, i was a sophomore last year and that was the only one i could take lol.

taking ap phys 1, apcs, ap lang, apush, multivariable calculus (not ap but honors) this year, and it’s all on my transcript so i think they should be able to see that

applied to astrophysics as a sophomore, wishing you all the best of luck! i don’t have any expectations haha. decisions are coming up pretty soon though

Did you guys get the website survey email ? I just got one one hour back . Ranking their website in terms of usability etc


yes, everyone got it. It’s not a sign or anything that you’re going to get accepted or rejected if that’s what you were wondering

Yep - thats what I was also thinking - thanks for confirming

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Results are out on the portal for domestic applicants

Yep I saw it today

I am waitlisted . Does anyone know if they ever pick anyone from waitlist/ alternate

I am already accepted into BU RISE so have a backup in case this doesn’t work out

Can you tell what your stats are? My dd is rejected from BU Rise, UC Davis YSP and SSP. She has great grades in tough classes, but a 1510 on SAT when she applied. She is also a USABO semifinalist, which she added to the profile after submission. Her essays were self written. I’m just wondering what they look for, and where the gaps are for future. Any input will be helpful and appreciated.

Daughter was admitted for Astrophysics - CUB!

For those in future years looking, these programs are all super competitive and beyond being “qualified” (which you probably are if you applied), it is very subjective. My dd had several rejections and a waitlist before this acceptance.

Rejections may be because of the topic she picked for those being super popular, or because she did summer research before but had no science fair entry or published paper. Or maybe, although she is an excellent writer, she was too subdued on her essays and didn’t let her genuine passion sign through enough
or maybe there was just some random, totally subjective factor that drew them towards a different candidate?


  • From Long Island (NY), very average public school, female, not an URM, not low-income
  • SAT 1590 (800 M, 790 V, single and only HS sitting); PSAT/NMSQT - perfect score
  • UW 4.0, lots of APs (including AP CS -5, AP Bio - 5, AP Calc BC - 5, and AP Physics this year); Stanford ULO Linear Algebra; school doesn’t rank but likely in the top 3 in her class
  • Some awards but not top-tier (her high school doesn’t really participate in any of these)
  • ECs: FIRST Robotics (Dean’s List Semi-Finalist) President of Science Club (did Science Olympiad and medaled in two events); USACO (Silver); Music; Girl Scouts
  • Summer Research in bioinformatics (but no science fair entry or published paper)
  • Lots of volunteer hours (Presidential Service Gold) including her GS Gold Award project on encouraging girls in computer science and also has run Astronomy workshops for younger GS
  • Excellent writer
  • Not sure how the LOR were—her teachers love her and I am sure they intended to write good letters but we don’t really know how good they are at writing recs

Sure - here you go, but have no idea if these are good/ bad/ indifferent - everything is sort of toss up in these programs

SAT : 1540
PSAT : 1500
UW : 4.1 Weighted : 4.7
School doesn’t do any AP, but all Honors Classes :10+
Competitive Public School Magnet : Competitive Exam to get in . 20% acceptance rate
Specialization : HealthCare and Medical Sciences Academy


  • Japan exchange program for 6 weeks (scholarship)
  • Girls Scout Gold Award
  • National 4H/International Awards (Ireland, Washington DC Conferences)
  • Barbara Smith Service Award HOSA
  • WoHeLo National Award
  • Presidential Service Award
  • Created a organization connecting Japanese teens with American Students

No Prior Science research experience, No Competitions : This has always worked against me.

Hope this Helps but please note that I am not accepted to SSP just waitlisted so my stats may not be what fits the bill - somehow I got lucky and got into BU RISE.

Thank you so much! This helps.

These admissions are all scams. I got waitlisted for RSI a while back, which is supposed to be the hardest one to get into. I got rejected from BU RISE for some reason, and I got waitlisted for SSP. I’m in a similar situation to you profile-wise so it seems kind of weird. Anyway, congratulations on your acceptance to RISE, acceptance to any of these programs is celebration worthy. I would just take the acceptance rather than wait for SSP, but you make the decision based on what you feel is best for you.


Yes this whole thing is weird; btw college admissions are also going to be like that - we will get rejected from safety schools ; get accepted by a random stroke of luck to a reach / target . I am going to focus on what we control in terms of essays / overall experience etc and rest of the stuff is all crap shoot to begin with !!!