Summer Science Program 2022 (SSP)

Does anyone know how SSP compares to the YSPA (Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics). They both seem so great … anything differentiating them ? Thanks

DS was admitted to the genomics track. He’s really excited, but we wouldn’t qualify for financial aid and 8k is still quite a lot for us. Is the program really worth it? The only other program he applied to was MathIly.

Both have around the same percentage rate. If your ds is interested in taking time to craft college essays over the summer, or really do anything non-research related, I’d recommend MathILy. SSP can be draining and many alumni mention staying up late at night—no time for other things. Also, I’m not sure with the genomics track. Since it’s the first year for that program, it may not be as good as the others.

MathILy is very unique will it’s program structure. Seems to be a lot less expensive too….especially with college application fees during senior year.


Dr. Michael Faison was the Director at SSP prior to founding YSPA. From what I can tell, the programs are the same but since YSPA is a newer program, I’ve read a few comments that it’s more updated and relevant. Also, not that I think anyone should choose a program based on admit rates but I also heard that it’s more selective since it has smaller enrollment (32 students). Here’s some info. about the founders: An Inside Look at the Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics | The Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics
Good luck deciding!


Which SSP program are you waitlisted in?

Does anyone know when waitlist results will start to come out (when are deposits due for SSP admits?). I was waitlisted for Biochem and am curious.

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Decisions are due 4/13

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What did you and your DS decide? Don’t know about cost…

Thanks for the info! Can’t go wrong either way :slight_smile:

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Congrats. Getting off the SSP waitlist is super difficult. An alumni said only around 2-3 get off per year, mainly for Astro. Plus SSP has a 96-97% yield rate:(

If you got accepted to RISE why not ask to be taken off the waitlist? It’s a super great program and does a lot of the same even of research as SSP. I bet a lot of people on the waitlist unfortunately don’t have a backup plan and SSP is their top choice.

I got waitlisted for astro and thought I might throw in some stat info that might help? Because I am definitely not a remarkable candidate in any way, and knew some much more statistically strong kids than I am getting rejected - but I think my essays shone through.

I have a 3.94 UW GPA, got a B+ in Precalc honors sophomore year. My school doesn’t offer a single AP class. I took a medical withdrawal sophomore year and didn’t complete 2 courses (making them up online right now). I literally have not finished a single science course besides 9th grade biology…

1550 SAT, 1470 PSAT? - again, pretty mediocre SSP wise

No research, no competitions, my ECs were mostly my job (I’ve worked 10-20hrs/week for over a year now), volunteering at a hospital, and doing activism work. Along with some other community leadership.

What I really think made me somewhat “qualified” with these stats were my essays, where I showed my growth and passion for the field. I actually care about astro so deeply, I’ve read books over and over and could share that love in my essays. I’m not even a very strong writer, but I don’t know… I guess it worked out?

Anyway, really hoping I get off this astro waitlist :,) I have no alternatives (SSP free application came in clutch) unfortunately lol. I wouldn’t mind just working extra this summer and doing community college but dang SSP would be amazing.

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Also just to add to this thread, I got flat-out rejected (not even waitlisted) from Astro. My stats:

GPA: 3.98 UW/4.78 UW (got a semester B in APUSH)
SAT: 1590
ACT: 36
PSAT: 1490, but didn’t report
Currently taking 6 APs; have previously taken 5
Competitive public magnet school


  • USAMO qualifier (270+ index)
  • 2x JMO qualifier (placed top 50 on JMO too)
  • USAPhO semifinalist
  • USACO Gold
  • several other miscellaneous math contests (HMMT, PuMAC, USAMTS, etc)


  • Currently doing research at JHU APL
  • Previously did research at my state school (co-authored a conference paper for this one)
  • Attended Canada/USA Mathcamp
  • Captain of Math Team and Physics Team at my school
  • Competitive volleyball player (both club and school varsity team)
  • Tournament chess player
  • Have a bunch of volunteer hours from teaching younger students

And I don’t think that my essays/recs were too bad either, I feel like they were at least average. So it’s pretty disappointing that I got straight-up rejected, since SSP was the program I thought I had the best shot at. Hopefully this doesn’t bode too poorly for actual college admissions.

Dang, SSP is real tough this year!

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i am just going to leave this here, but your profile is great. your ecs and awards had no bearing on your acceptance, believe me. but i think most people tend to overestimate their essay strength - if they say it’s a 7/10, you can probably subtract 3 or 2 and say their essays are a solid 4-5/10.

i know a lot of wicked smart people got rejected this year - people with profiles similar to yours. i’m going to go out on a limb and say that your essays were the main determining factor.

if not that, then bad luck (though more often than not, it’s the former… based on peer-reading). i think you’ll do great in college apps though, you’re genuinely insane. gl dude

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lol i thought i had it bad, but all i had was 3x aime qual and usaco gold

makes sense i was rejected tho, my essays were dog (looking back now)

Good lord, I just wanted to say that those are some insane stats.

Man, you got some really good stats going on. My best guess as to why you got rejected is they may have thought you weren’t a good match for the SSP in terms of the personality you communicated in your essays. Try to tailor your essays towards kind of the vibe that programs/colleges try to communicate.

Could it be that they know you don’t need the program and they’re giving this opportunity to those who need it more? You’ve already got a bunch of research under your belt and perfect scores. You are good to go!

Any alumni that can review the essays? Please let me know how I can reach out.