<p>“enjoy junior year”??? IMPOSSIBLE</p>
<p>But it’s sure better than senior year… -headdesks-</p>
<p>Lolol the first half, anyways</p>
<p>Haha junior year is pretty chill.
I only APcomp Sci Java anyways for those of you… BUT I would say I’m pretty good at math not trying to be ego but if I get in… I should help you all! Aha I’m 12-13 semesters ahead of Calc BC… Almost enough credits for a B.A Mathematics
<p>Was there a placement test?</p>
@previous poster
Lapis transformation you wouldn’t really learn unless you go to engineering but it’s pretty interesting…
Still deciding if I should take Advanced Calculus or Real analysis hmmm</p>
<p>well, i would say one of the awesome things about ssp is that they throw so much stuff at you, it’s impossible to be “comfortable” with the pace. and everyone helps each other with the homework, so you don’t feel like you have to be the best. it’s very collaborative.</p>
<p>Trololol if I get in it sounds like I’ll need help from day one :p</p>
<p>Greetings from Nigeria, everyone </p>
<p>I just heard about this program, and it sounds FANTASTIC. I’m definitely applying to both the California and New Mexico campuses when the applications come out.</p>
<p>I have an important question though. How much time during SSP can we devote to other activities? My school is assigning me tons of work over the vacations, and I really hope going to this program won’t prevent me completing all of it. :p</p>
<p>You really won’t have much time at all. Like less than an hour a day, at most</p>
<p>Melinda and Monica both had other projects they had to work on and managed to do.</p>
<p>Oh. Maybe I just sucked at managing my time then heh</p>
<p>there was also a student studying for olympiads at NM so you’ll have some time, but still very little</p>
<p>That sucks, although after reading a bit more about the program, I’m not surprised ;)</p>
<p>Do you guys really visit the Jet Propulsion Lab or the Very Large Array during the program? :eek: I actually have a picture of both the places in my Physics Book, so it’ll be really awesome to go there and see it for myself :D</p>
<p>Yep! JPL was sick! And we got to see one of the mars curiosity rovers… Which was really neat haha</p>
<p>Really? Nerd paradise :)</p>
<p>Isn’t the JPL in Caltech btw? Do you go there too?</p>
<p>You also do go see the VLA, its pretty amazing in person.</p>
<p>Yea if you go to the CA campus, you visit caltech too!</p>
<p>Nice! I can’t wait for the applications to come out!</p>