Summer Science Program (SSP) 2021

I haven’t seen a board for this year yet, but here we go! This is my first time applying to SSP (in biochem) and I’m a junior. Do you have any views on in-person vs. online? Collaborative research? This is the forum for that.

Definitely prefer in-person, but we’ll have to see how vaccinations go. Online SSP would make it harder to really get to know your fellow participants.

I really don’t know, but I’m leaning to prefer it online. While, it’ll definitely be harder as blazingfury pointed out, but I doubt an in-person program would be possible. Many other selective summer programs have been completely transferred online and some like MITES/TASP have just been blatantly canceled. They did it online last year and don’t see why they wouldn’t again.

Anyone here submitted the financial Aid Form? How to submit that? Also, Is it necessary to add our PSAT or SAT scores? I haven’t taken one because of the Corona Pandemic

Not sure about the financial aid form, but I’m pretty sure standardized tests aren’t necessary. If you have any AP/IB/Subject Test scores that aren’t from the ACT or SAT, I would recommend listing those.

I hope they do have an in- person option. BU RISE just went completely online

If it’s online it will be infinitely more affordable. The only reason I even applied is because online SSP would bring the cost down to 3500 rather than 7000!!!

does anyone have IB scores that they are reporting? I just want to see what level everyone that is applying is at.

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SSP announced that it would go completely virtual for the 2021 program a few days ago! I wish it was in person though. I’ll like to see if it attracts more applicants this year now that it’s not in-person.

Anybody else applying international?

Also, bummed about the decision that it’s completely online, but it is what it is I guess :confused:

hey! intl applicant right here! i go to school in the US but i’m originally from China xD literally the most disadvantaged pool

anyways I am a math kid but found biochem rlly fascinating so decided to try my luck here:) rlly hoping to get in so I can do some other scientific research over the summer. According to last year’s thread decision came out on Mar. 20th for intl kids, so fingers crossed :wink: im lowkey stressed and refresh the page 3k times a day so pls keep me posted here

oh btw is anyone also applying to RSI lolol the intl applicant deadline got postponed to late feb so not writing those essays just yet

lmaoo I’m also in the same boat… school in the US but Indian citizenship. We rlly are in the most competitive (aka suckiest) pool lol.

I applied astro… we’ll see how that goes.

wow I didn’t realize the deadline got postponed and thought I missed it on Jan. 16th!

Well there we go… one more application on my plate :confused: Fun times

i can’t believe they LITERALLY put on their website being like “we get a LOT of kids from China & India, so it’s most competitive applying from these countries” xD so blatant

also don’t know why I got super obsessed w posting random stuff online (prolly thanks to corona) so do ppl (esp intl kids and ALUMS!!!) wanna talk abt what they did prior to applying/going to SSP so I can have a better sense of my chances? Thanks!!

(I just really hate being stressed abt the results all the time…I just wanna be either quite confident abt getting in or quite certain that i’m a joke to the admissions xD

Rightt?!?! Like dayumm

Do they look at applications rolling, or all at once (for domestic applicants). I’m trying to figure out if there’s a benefit to submitting my application sooner.

Probably all at once

If y’all have any questions about the program or want any advice applying, check out the Official SSP Server created by Amy Belote, the SSP Operations Director!