<p>any waitlisters or applicants for the march 23 deadline hear back from them yet? It seems like the results should be out now. I am on the alternate list btw</p>
<p>do you guys have experience with python/vpython?
im not so good with the syntax, and i was wondering the depth or knowledge requisite to feel like i have some idea of what is going on when i get there</p>
<p>It's nice to see the thread hasn't died out. I was on a vacation for a few days, and the thread was stuck at a particular point for - dunno, 1 week? Then all of a sudden, vroom! There's a deluge of responses...</p>
<p>Congrats to all those who got accepted, and keeping my fingers crossed for everyone on the alternate list. Looking forward to meeting everyone who got accepted in Ojai!</p>
<p>snowbunny and 09xoxo, I'm sorry, but the Award for the Most Underprepared Moron at SSP has already been taken by me. Better luck next time.</p>
<p>Udbhav, I'll inform you of my travel plans later today. What's the updated list, anyone?</p>
<p>I believe it is about a 2-2.3 hour drive from LA, but you can also drive to Van Nuys Flyway Terminal at 7610 Woodley Street for a shuttle to take you to the campus(more details in SSP Handbook)</p>
<p>Yeah, totally agree that a plane isn't a good idea. Look forward to seeing you there.</p>