<p>When I did mine in the beginning of January it changed within a week. As far as I know it means they are looking at you. I called my ALO and did my interview with him at his home. Accepted the offer they sent me yesterday, Good Luck!</p>
<p>Well on my page it had a ***that said contact your ALO about an interview so we emailed each other. He did call when he got the chance and I asked him. He said we could do it over the phone or I could come up to see him, about an hours drive. I did it in person thinking it would help him get to know me better. He even wrote me a recommendation, so I guess it could depend on your ALO!</p>
<p>Yeah my ALO said there would be an interview at the beggining but later clarified by e-mail that an interview wasn’t necessary. I guess i’ll shoot him an e-mail just to make sure. Thanks.</p>
<p>I never had an interview either. My ALO emailed me and asked if I would like to meet with him to discuss the admissions process in late January/February. I replied yes and he said he would set something up. “Under consideration” just means that they’ve seen your application. My status page said “under consideration” from about the 2nd week of Dec. until yesterday (now it says accepted )</p>
<p>yeah thats what I did to put the scores in on my application but then they said they needed conformation of the scores with a transcript or score report.</p>
<p>I plugged my PLAN results in, but didn’t add my ACT or PSAT scores because my PLAN results were higher. When I took the ACT I put the AFA as a school to recieve my score, so they they added them to my app. when they recieved them.</p>
<p>yeah i wish i would have thought to send my ACT scores when i took it. But then again I didnt want to send bad scores, because it was my first time ever seeing the ACT. But the academy should know that most of us wont lie about our test scores ;)</p>
<p>I got accepted last Friday : ) There wasn’t an interview this year according to my ALO, but he sent in a recommendation for me anyway because we’ve been in communication since last summer. As far as test scores, I used my PSAT results from sophomore year, which, oddly enough, were higher than this year’s … They didn’t ask for a transcript or confirmation on that - I assumed their thinking was, if you’re already lying then you’re screwed anyway so why waste resources checking immediately?
I called my counselor last week to update my scores to include last December’s SAT, which I did very well at. He called me back today to update my scores, but I’d already been accepted so it doesn’t matter all that much : )
If anyone else is attending Session B, let me know and we can get in touch.</p>
<p>Thanks for rubbin it in…just kidding. But i hope i do get in even though my SAT was only a 1020 and my ACT a 22 but my gpa is 3.75 and i have alot of extra curriculars so i still have hope!</p>
<p>but don’t worry if you don’t get in. there are fewer slots to get into ss than to the academy itself, and I believe it’s more competitive. many of my friends who are here right now applied but didn’t make it to ss, so for those of you who don’t get in-don’t be discouraged.</p>