Summer Seminar Questions and Answers

Hi guys! So, I know that Summer Seminar applications don’t come out until the 13th, but I thought I would create a thread where people could ask questions about Summer Seminar. I know that my parents and I had a ton of questions and we did not really have anyone that could answer them so I went in pretty blind.
(Full disclaimer: I will not be attending USNA)

Question 1: Who picks you up from the airport?
Answer: Ok, you get information that tells you the times you can fly in, BUT they don’t tell you who will pick you up and where.I cannot tell you how concerned my mother was about this! In the end, this was not a big deal. I got off of the airplane and went to baggage claim praying that I would find people that sort of looked like they were going to Summer Seminar too. When I got to baggage claim, where you go is SUPER obvious. There were probably 50 or more kids all waiting and some midshipmen who were really easy to spot. Like I said, no big deal! (Also, BWI is not a super big airport, so it is really easy to navigate)

Question 2: What do you wear?
Answer: When you get to the Naval Academy, they will give you all of the clothes that you will need for the week. I think that other threads mention this, but I intend to go deeper :slight_smile: Being a girl who is super particular about clothes, I wanted to know what to wear on the airplane- I know that it sounds weird, but it was a genuine concern and something that my mom and I disagreed on. I personally never wear sweats (especially in public), so when my mom mentioned that should probably wear some sort of athletic clothing and tennis shoes, I just about had a stroke. My white jeans, blazer, and wedges ended up losing to her Reebok leggings, zip up and tennis shoes :frowning: But hey, what can you do? When it is all said and done, what you wear on the plane does not matter. Almost immediately after you get there, they give you your clothes, and you change. I will say that if you like to get dressed up (like me) and the thought of wearing an outfit like the one I wore makes you squirm, wear the dressier clothes- you will be in sweats the whole week.
SOCKS- Bring way more than you think that you will ever need. The camp is only 4 or 5 days if I remember correctly, but I ended up wearing around 14 pairs of socks. Same goes for underwear, bring more than you think you need.
Shoes: My suggestion is that you have shoes that you are going to wear on the plane that you wear there and back. I wore one pair of tennis shoes on the plane, I packed a pair, and I also brought flip flops. Your tennis shoes will get wet on multiple occasions and I had a pair that got so muddy that I threw them away before I left. My issue was that my flip flops did not match the outfit that I packed to wear home but the tennis shoes did. So, keeping one pair dry and mud-free was a definite challenge (go figure, the one time my outfit needed tennis shoes). I might even suggest a 3rd pair, so that you always have a pair that’s dry.

Question 3: Will they work you so hard that you get sick?
Answer: Probably not. I never got sick and I was not aware of anyone who got sick during a workout. I’m sure that it is entirely possible, but it is not something that I would worry about.

These are just the things that I could think of off the top of my head, so if anyone has any other questions I will try and answer them to the best of my ability! I am trying to create the thread that I wished I had!