Summer Session Classes Easier?

<p>I'm planning on doing 6 credits of Summer Session II classes. I want to do Statics and Operational Methods. I figured since statics is such a hard class it would be a good idea to take it in the summer so that I'd have more time to focus on it and really get a good grade in it. Am I correct in my reasoning that kids typically do better in summer session classes than they do with all the extra courses consuming their time in fall and spring semesters? If this sounds too difficult, I could drop Operational Methods for Engineering Economy, totaling up to 5 credits, but that would disqualify me for financial aid. Any help and advice from anyone who has experience with summer courses is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I took 6 credits in one session last summer, and it wasnt easy as far as course work goes. I was pretty busy, but what was good about it was classes that usually has a 100+ people during the school year for me only had about 15 in one class, and 40-50 which meant a lot more one on one time with the professors. And fwiw statics isnt too bad, as long as you dont get intimidated and understand the right hand rule, the first test is the hardest, the others arent too bad.</p>