<p>I have a fair amount of ECs (habitat for humanity, rec baseball and basketball, key club, german club, and a few others), and I work 20hrs a week</p>
<p>I am in-state, and applied in late August</p>
<p>I also checked the box that asked if i would consider summer session</p>
<p>I just wanna get in to UP, please chance...i'm going crazy here, i was just at the game yesterday and cant' go anywhere else...</p>
<p>my gpa would be about a 90, but i failed calculus…i still will have 4 math credits though. i am hoping they will look at my grades individually and see that i would have an upward trend, but that one class brought me down</p>
<p>My Son had very similar scores and grades and was accepted to summer session, but he didn’t hear until late in January. He applied in late August didnt fail anything, but had Cs in German and a math class. PSU looks at grades (2/3) and scores (1/3). I don’t think they take the time to look at grades for individual courses, but it would be good to mention this in your essay, or have your guidance counselor mention it in their recommendation. It can’t hurt, but Im not sure how much they even read essays etc. My Son didn’t write an essay.</p>
<p>your in! ha dont worry about it…someone please chance me though and be honest. </p>
<p>1510/2400 SATs
3.72 GPA
<p>Tons of EC’s from Varsity Soccer to Student Government and Debate club
Tons of volunteer (SPCA, Barack Obama offices, Aging Agency, Vickie Angels Cancer Bike Ride)
Tons of Work Experience ( 3 jobs 2 of which were seasonal)</p>
<p>please chance me i cant take the stress, i only applied to JMU and PSU, should I apply to another school like Temple or Towson or WVU?</p>
<p>Because although I love PSU (yes i want to get in just as bad as anyone else), I had enough people tell me that I can get in summer session with my scores. Were applying for the same aren’t we? How many people do you need to tell you that your gonna get in?</p>
<p>idk it relieves the stress hah, but no i understand and i did hear alot of people tell me im in, and from the looks of it people who have a second choice campus already heard that they got rejected from UP and accepted to their second choice. good news for us</p>
<p>a 30 is really good. you’re on the edge like the rest of us for summer haha
at this point, no news is good news i think
and collegekid, i have to agree with blckthought. (although i’m just as stressed as you)
just for the record, i think you’ll get in. if you’re that stressed about it though, apply to some safety schools such as ohio university or tougher ones where you think you may have a good chance. but with a 3.7 i think you’re pretty much fine most places you apply</p>
<p>alright. i’m bumping this thread because i’m starting to get nervous and seeing as this is the official place for summer students pretty much…</p>
<p>looking through these posts, some pretty smart but borderline kids are being rejected completely. for both fall and summer…starting to make me nervous. do you think the fact that we applied strictly summer will help at all?</p>
<p>I’m gunna go ahead and say people are overreacting…optimism =] IMO they looked at grades(GPA/SAT/ACT) and accepted the top 25% and denied the bottom 25% and took the middle 50% and look at not only grades but the essay and ECs and thats why it’s taking longer for kids like us</p>