Summer Storage and Car

<p>I am going to be at the 6-week summer session and then I will go home and go back up about 10 days later to begin the fall...does anyone have any suggestions for where to store my stuff for those 10 days (or if I should store stuff at all) and what I should do with my car? I will have a summer parking pass and one for next year, but I'm not sure about the crossover dates or whatever.</p>

<p>Check with Bid Red Storage or Ithaca Self Storage</p>

<p>What about the car? Do you think that I could leave it parked somewhere for like 10 or 11 days?</p>

<p>have you checked with the Cornell office that issues the summer/fall parking passes to ask if you can leave it in the lot for that short a period of time?</p>

<p>i'm going to ask when the pass goes on sale on monday...up until now they have known nothing about dates and stuff</p>