Summer sublet wanted

<p>My son has decided to accept a professor’s offer to stay at UA for the summer and work on a research project. He is looking for a summer sublet but he has certain requirements. He does not have a car, so the sublet must either have a shuttle to campus which will run during the summer months or must be sufficiently close to school so he can walk or ride a bike safely. He will sublet for part of the summer, not May to August. Please PM if you have a place you would like to sublet.</p>

<p>I will ask my son if one of his roomies will sublet. He’s at the Retreat which does have a shuttle (I hope the shuttle runs in the summer??)</p>

<p>Thanks, Mom2. He mulled over the offer and decided to accept it this week.</p>

<p>I would ask if the apartments runs the shuttles during the summer. Something tells me they don’t due to lower numbers student staying to take summer classes.</p>

<p>Since it is very hot in the summer, I wouldn’t want him to have to walk/bike very far away. </p>

<p>I wonder if any of the frat houses sublet?</p>

<p>I also would stop into the Honors College and find out if anyone has heard of someone wanting to sublease his/her place. It’s a long shot, but perhaps worth a try.</p>

<p>Can students staying at Bama over the summer for research/volunteer/classes live in the dorms? It might be expensive, but in the case of an OOS student with no car, it might be a good option. If the student is an NMSF, maybe their summer stipend could be applied to this? How does one go about applying for summer on campus housing? Is there a deadline?</p>

<p>UA Housing likely has rooms available and would be the most flexible in terms of scheduling, but would be more expensive. If your son was making enough money, the professor could likely word his position requirements to make on-campus housing either tax-free and/or subsidized by the department. Otherwise, some students may be willing to sublease over part of the summer rather than not be able to sublease at all. Even if he had to sublease over the entire summer, he could possibly save money by subleasing rather than living on campus. I’ve seen several subleases near campus posted on Facebook, some as low as $400 per month.</p>

<p>Where are prices for summer housing and courses, with OOS rates, listed? Can someone provide a link?</p>

<p>^^Here is the link for information/rates on summer housing in the dorms:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>^^^Thank you for that link. Any help with a link on summer class costs?</p>

<p>Although the Bryant one bedroom unit for 1300 per summer session is high, it might meet some students’ needs. Since it is not listed for the interim, I’m assuming it’s not available during that time. </p>

<p>That is a nice variety of options of housing, too. Surprised that single rooms and suite style housing is available. When I was in college, only one dorm was open for the summer, and it usually was not the nicest dorm, but hey, it was worth putting up with for the convenience and cost savings on transportation.</p>

<p>^^Here is the link for costs of summer classes:</p>

<p>[Cost</a> of Attendance](<a href=“]Cost”></p>

<p>I think UA Early College students are housed in RCE and they were seeking older students to serve as RA for those students. It may be something to look into.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>