Summer suggestion for MT/Acting

I want to share info about a program that really helped my DS. I connected with @JKIWmom in this group because her DD did the program too.

SUTE (Summer University Theatre Experience)

It’s a 2 week program in June for students interested in applying to MT and Acting programs. It’s great for rising seniors.

There are a lot of great programs students can attend at one college to see what it’s like to study acting and MT in college. But those programs more of a deep dive into one college. SUTE offers a survey with 10 professors from 10 different colleges. There are 2 workshops per day (morning and afternoon) taught by the visiting faculty, and then each evening there’s a panel when 2 professors talk about their programs. Former SUTE students come back and meet with current students too.

The program helped my DS figure out what type of program would be a good fit for him, and he got advice on choosing monologues, preparing prescreens, and what the audition process would involve. Best of all, when he went to the auditions, he had met many of the auditors which helped put him at ease. During the auditions he could say how much he enjoyed their SUTE workshop and that’s why he was applying. Even when the auditor was different, he could say he heard about it during SUTE.

There’s an Acting track and an MT track, but either one would help. My son did the Acting track, and @JKIWmom ‘s DD did the MT track. The colleges SUTE brings in all have great programs. They include places like Carnegie Mellon, Michigan, Syracuse, UNCSA, DePaul, and USC among others.

This worked for us, and it was especially helpful because I knew next to nothing about applying performance programs. They take applications through Accept’d. I don’t know if they have more spots for this year.

Dates: June 11-24 2022

Place: Loyola Marymount University campus in Los Angeles

I found out about it on CC last year, and now hopefully this could help someone else.

Check out Emerson in Boston summer offerings if still available. Excellent acting /MT program.

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