Summer tours at Madison?

<p>I thought I'd ask here, does anyone know if UW Madison offers tours over the summer? </p>

<p>I tried looking on their tour schedule, but they don't have anything listed for the summer. I don't know if that means they just don't have it up yet, or if they don't offer tours at all.</p>

<p>I know it's not optimal, but right now it's really the only time I have to visit.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help you can give!</p>

<p>No formal tours when classes not in session, but I would check with them, phone or the e-mail address on the visitor's website, for information about possible tours in summer. Summer is a great time to see the campus. You can stop at the visitor information center and get all sorts of information, plus of course researching areas of campus you want to see via the UW website before you go. They run SOAR (summer orientation and registration) during June and July, this brings entering students and their parents to campus, and there are numerous summer camps and other sesssions so the campus is full of visitors. The campus does not shut down- easy to see many buildings, and the lakeshore terrace of the Memorial Union is full of visitors (there is a small sign saying it is restricted to members-including students- and their guests, but you would never know it based on the people there). </p>

<p>Plan your own tour-check the UW website for maps, Res Halls info, activities; Google Earth for a bird's eye view, and check the local weather. There is a wealth of info available online. If you fall in love with the campus you can find a way to visit during the school year to get the official tour and see some classes. Have fun. PS- son never went on a tour, he had seen the campus over the years with parents and went to a running camp.</p>

<p>They probably don't have tours running since most of the walking tours and such are run by current students</p>