Sunday SAT IIs discussion

<p>I took the Math 2 and U.S. History.
Math 2: Left 5 blank but think I got everything else right.
US history: If there is a good curve (-8 is 800) I probably got 800.
Heres a question from the USH test.
All of the following contributed to the sectional crisis that culminated in the civil war EXCEPT
A. Gadsen purchase
B. Election of Lincoln in 1860
C. Dred Scott decision
D. Comp. of 1850
E. Kansas Nebraska
I went with Lincoln but it could also be Gadsen purchase. Any ideas?</p>

<p>Sorry, but it’s definitely Gadsden Purchase. The election of Lincoln to the presidency was the reason many of the states immediately seceded. Any other tough US questions you remember?</p>

<p>Remember that this is an Except question. Are you agreeing with me?</p>

<p>Huh? No, I’m saying that Lincoln’s ascension definitely contributed to the sectional crisis. The answer to this question is Gadsden Purchase.</p>

<p>thanks. Here is another one.
All of the following novelists wrote about the ruthlessness of industrial life except</p>

<p>gertrude stein
upton sinclair
richard write
f scot fitzgerald
and another that I can’t remember but def wasnt the answer
What do you think?</p>

<p>I think it’s stein, could be wrong.</p>

<p>These weren’t questions on the SAT 2 exam though right? I don’t remember any of these…</p>

<p>These were on the Sunday SAT 2 exam.
For the question above I think the answer is upton sinclair. Anyone else?</p>

<p>@ezrahusney didn’t upton sinclair criticize the poor conditions of industrial life?</p>

<p>I really don’t see how F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing about disillusionment reflects ruthlessness of industrial life. I would pick Fitzgerald, even though I don’t know Write or Stein.</p>

<p>And I agree that Gadsden Purchase is the answer to the first question in the thread.</p>

<p>^i agree with you on Fitzgerald, his novels had to do with disillusionment about life in the 1920s</p>

<p>Upton Sinclair seems to be the best choice. He wrote about many problems associated with industrialization. Fitzgerald was about dissillusionment because of materialims and conformity. Not really about industrial life.</p>

<p>but u said all of the except , so it should be fitzgerald</p>

<p>I’m sorry everyone, my mistake. The question about industrial life is NOT an except question.
The question reads
Which of the following novelists wrote about the ruthlessness of industrial life? </p>

<p>gertrude stein
upton sinclair
richard write
f scot fitzgerald</p>

<p>Oh, definitely Upton Sinclair. His expos</p>