SUNY at New Paltz vs. SUNY Geneseo

<p>Could somebody, please, compare SUNY at New Paltz to SUNY Geneseo or just give a review of New Paltz?</p>


<p>everyone i know that goes to new paltz loves it. its a cute town, much like geneseo, but closer to NYC. it's in ulster county and it is near beautiful beautiful mountains. the village is nice, with much to do and theres concerts nearby in poughkeepsie and stuff. the classes are small, and the academics are good too. geneseo is more selective, however, but i'm not sure how the academics are compared to each other.</p>

<p>i would assume because geneseo is more selective better students attend thus geneso would be a better school academically.. geneseo is also a really nice but really small town like 30mi out side of rochester but it is alot farther from nyc.. like a 8 or 9 hr drive from LI</p>

<p>Im attending new paltz in the fall and had to face a similar decission. I also was accepted to geneso. Geneseo is in the middle of no where....and the people suck. New paltz is amazing. and the people are really nice and out going. its a real hippie town filled with anti-war protests, and head shops.
good lick. let me know if you go to NP and we can chilll.</p>

<p>it's nice to hear good things about New Paltz...I'm going to Geneseo as a Bio major, I'm gonna try that out, if I don't like it then I probably will transfer to New Paltz as a nursing major...Is the campus nice? Is it near any central area??</p>

<p>Would New Paltz Be Considered a Good School for Accounting? =]</p>

<p>binghamton is the best suny for accting, i think maybe buffalo has a decent program.. maybe oneonta as well, but new paltz is more of an artsy school.</p>

<p>does anyone know the best SUNY for chem?</p>

<p>The Best SUNY for chem or any other science would be Stony Brook .<br>
& then im not so sure , but Albany? =)</p>

<p>Suny Oswego has a great chem dep't</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I was accepted into both Geneseo and New Paltz and had decided on Geneseo because I heard it was more selective and better academically. I am scared now though because someone said that the people at Geneseo suck? I know the town is small but does anybody know if there is any like restaurants or shopping centers close by? I am really nervous about going to college 8 hours away from my home in Long Island and I hope it's not as bad as I heard...</p>

<p>shortkake726 - congratulations on your acceptance and decision to attend New Paltz this fall. My son transferred there last semester and is enjoying it very much. </p>

<p>aalya123 - the New Paltz campus is very nice in the warmer weather...there is a pretty lake with ducks and swans and nice mountain views in the distance. The town is a 10 minute walk from campus and Poughkeepsie is a 20 minute drive away where there are all the big stores and malls. The school has a bus system to get around.</p>

<p>New Paltz does have a very friendly, down to earth and accepting student body. The location is great due to its close proximity to NYC and Long Island. The rail trail is an easy way to get to both. </p>

<p>If anyone has any questions about the school I would be happy to try and answer.</p>

<p>ksilb22 I wouldn't worry too much. I think as with any school there's good people and bad people, Geneseo is no exception to that however since I don't attend I can't comment on the general population. Most everyone seemed alright when I visited.</p>

<p>As far as restaurants...there were lots of them close to campus and I even saw a Wal-Mart and fast food places just a few minutes out from the campus. So it's not completely isolated...though that could be a matter of opinion. I'm totally excited to go though.</p>

<p>aalya123 - I read that they were no longer going to offer the nursing program at New Paltz. You might want to investigate further, earlier rather than later.</p>

<p>New Paltz has a higher percentage of students from NYC, the Island and Westchester/Rockland. Geneseo has a higher population of students from the bigger Upstate NY cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Albany. Geneseo serves as the unofficial state honors college and the kids who go there have the highest average stats of any of the SUNY schools. New Paltz has traditionally boasted very strong programs in the arts and has attracted a quirkier student body. So there are definite and different campus cultures at the two schools. However, each school is large enough to accomodate a wide range of students and anyone who goes to either with an open mind is bound to both find their own "group" and grow from their interaction with students who are from different backgrounds.</p>

<p>My best friend goes to New Paltz, so I've spent a fair amount of time there visiting her. The campus is pretty, and the surroundings are gorgeous. The town is really cute and the people are nice, but the academics are less challenging - my friend told me that she didn't really find it much harder than high school, whereas I've definitely found Geneseo a lot more difficult than high school. Just as a side note, the people at Geneseo were one of the reasons I decided to go there, and one of the reasons I would advise anyone else to go there too. I've never been in a place where the general population is more polite and quick to help even strangers than Geneseo. I suppose those sorts of things depend a lot on the person who's living there though, so you should come and see for yourself : )</p>

<p>I have lived in the Village of New Paltz and worked at the College for more than ten years. In that time, I have never seen a single anti-war protest. This is a stereotype of New Paltz that is more than 25 years old and no longer remotely true. Progressive in New Paltz? Yes. Regressive to the point of being stuck in the 60’s? No. Great place to live. Great place to learn.</p>

<p>How the hell are anti-war protests “regressive”? It would seem that we need them now more than ever!</p>