SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

Any idea on when decisions will start coming out? I thought I would start this thread so we could share our stats any updates.

GPA: 3.7 UW
SAT: 1360 (New)
Major: Accounting

I have no clue as to when the first wave of decisions will come out, but if this year mirrors last year’s, it will be early December. They gave out decisions to the people with the highest stats (34-36 ACTs) first and trickled down to the lower stat people, so again, it is likely that this pattern may happen again this year

Also, my stats are:

GPA: 98.47 (unweighted) / 99.8 (weighted)
SAT: 1410 (CR:700 M:710; essay score of 7/7/7)
ACT: 31 (E: 35 M:29 R:30 S:29; essay score of 10)
ECs: Leading participant in coding event for Science Olympiad, Mathlete, second degree brown belt in karate, Math Peer Tutor, camp counselor as junior, currently a cashier at a grocery store
APs: World (4), US History (4), English Language (4), Calc AB, Physics, Spanish, Macro, Stat
Major: Business Administration

My first quarter senior year grades have yet to be released, but they look to average out to a 95 (unweighted) right now


I agree with @stechin. If you look at the previous years threads, dec 5th or so is when they start to come out. My son applied EA for SOM with a 32 ACT and a 94.8 GPA. Lets hope we are not deferred but it does seem that in previous years they pick off the tippy top folks with 33-36 ACT and 14.50-1600 SAT. Not to fear, many of those folks will not be accepting the offer so many folks will be admitted hopefully by the middle of March, if not sooner.

I spoke with someone in admissions a few weeks ago regarding my sons app and he said he should definitely hear back sometime this month, but I have my doubts.

@euve69 Do you think someone with a 31 ACT could be accepted EA for SOM, just not in early December? Like I stated in my above post, I know that Bing picks the people with highest stats first, but do you believe someone with a 31 (which is obviously on the lower end) would have a good shot at being accepted in early January/late December?


Absolutely!! You make it sound as if you got a 12 on the ACT LOL 31 is a tremendous score. You are probably in the 95th percentile of all test takers. Don’t beat yourself up. Many on these threads have 34 -36 ACT scores but that is not the norm in the country.

Anyway, it does all depend on the year, but remember, BING has a yield of approx 22-25% so when you see all of these 33 34 35 ACT scores of admitted students, trust me, most will decline the offer. These are the the IVY students using Bing as a safety school. Do not get me wrong, some will attend, but most will not.

You have till Jan 15th to hear so you have an excellent chance. But just remember, with a ACT score of 31 even if you do not get in EA, there is an excellent chance that you will get in regular decision and that is all that matters.

I told my son the same thing. Just relax and it should all work out. If it does not, well, then it was not meant to be, but I think with a 31 ACT you should eventually get in.

@euve69 I was under the impression that the norm was a 33-35 for Bing, but like you said, I think I am only assuming this because it’s usually the people with high stats that post on this site.

I sound so fretful, and I augmented my paranoia by looking at the 2021 decisions thread and comparing myself to the accepted candidates, but I seriously need to chill because at this point, it is what it is. I need to take a breather and just sit back and await Bing’s decision. I can’t help but feel anxious over these kind of things but I think that’s most people on this website.

@stechin Binghamton isn’t that selective. According to the freshman profile on the website, the accepted students had a mid 50 percent ACT score range between 27 and 31 last year.


I know Binghamton isn’t selective when you compare the school to many other universities, but just looking at the 2021 Decisions thread makes me feeling like they are stricter for EA. Although my 31 is in the mid 50%, my goal was to be above the 75th percentile (so anything above a 32.) I wonder if they’ll examine both my ACT and SAT because although a 31 translates to a higher score, I feel like it’s harder to achieve a 1410 on the SAT than it is to achieve a 31 on the ACT.

I hear that EA decisions are mostly based on grades and test scores…


I agree. I believe Bing (like many other institutions) holds standardized tests and GPA as the most important factors in their admissions process. Although they view applications holistically, lots of ECs won’t be the determining component, for instance.


I agree 1000000% with Bing and EA it is all numbers driven I even think the RD decisions are mostly numbers driven. Like you said, they like to see EC’s and a good essay but in the end, they want to see those high gpa’s and standardized test scores.

Can you imagine the admissions committee now. Do you really think that they are sitting there reading each and every essay on the edge of their seat? LOL I think they are just scanning the files to see who has the 95 gpa give or take and the high ACT/SAT score.

Once the EA is over with, yes, I think they sit back and relax a bit more and look over the files a bit more holistically, but in the end, lets get real, it is all about the numbers!!


It’s a “sad” reality depending on who you ask, I believe. For a person who has good grades and high standardized test scores, but does little outside of schoolwork, this is beneficial. For the person who has average scores and GPA, but does many activities in their life, this disfavors them. Honestly, the former is the kind of person I am. Although, many students seem to use ECs as “fluff” to try to cushion their application. Sure, kids could genuinely like the activities they do, but I doubt they’d be doing one or two of them if it didn’t matter to colleges. One of my closest friends ,for instance, is an officer for one of the honor societies in our school just so he could put it in on his application. He has a 1440 SAT score though so this would be his golden ticket to being accepted, not his ECs.

Lets just hope the decisions come out early this year. All EA applicants will know by Jan 15

It is a numbers game indeed @euve69 . Especially with highly ranked public schools. So many students applying to 20+ schools has created an avalanche of applications to go through. Schools have no choice but to use scoring results to limit the early round review. It is a side effect of the Common App and the ease of use to apply to a ton of schools. I vote for going back to typewriters and having to mail in applications.

@ textbook123

Lets hope, but I believe you will start to see them the first week of Dec. Last year it was the 5th of December I believe.

@WilliamNYC This is true!! With the common app, you can apply to alot of schools very easily. My son ONLY applied to 11 schools. I guess he has some catching up to do LOL There are folks who think 11 schools is too many to apply to but 20 schools? That is a bit much

I always wondered if the SUNY schools like Albany, Bing etc that get 20-30k applications really read the essays. How in the world do they have the time? I understand schools that have fewer apps and the elite schools like Amherst Colgate Barnard etc, but Binghamton? I just do not see how they have the time to read all those essays.

I feel so mediocre due to the fact that I’m only applying to 3 schools (for EA) and depending on my results from EA, I’ll apply to 5 more schools for RD. If I get into Bing, I might not do the CUNY schools for RD.

In regards to the essays, I don’t think the essay weighs that much in admissions. Colleges want to know a bit of your personality, but like always, the numbers are the key to admissions. My essay isn’t really that interesting to be honest so if my admissions heavily depended on it, this would not benefit me. What did you guys write about?

My son applied EA to 5 schools. We’ll see what comes through in December…

Does anyone know if deferred EA applicants are more likely to be the first ones to get a decision when it comes to RD? I was looking at last year’s thread and I feel like I saw some RD applicants get decisions quicker than some deferred EA applicants. One RD applicant got a decision in the third week in January but then one EA applicant didn’t get a decision back until March