SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

Let’s not call the admissions office to verify our theories… The less we call, the more time they can spend on more important work (like reviewing our applications…)

I don’t think it’s true that students with high stats get accepted first. I have a 1360 on the SAT and a 3.7 UW, which ali understand is on the lower end of accepted students. I still got accepted on Friday. I did apply pretty early though, and maybe that plays a factor.

are you in-state @itwasawedding ?

@WilliamNYC – I am not planing on calling; I was just curious if anyone did call and have insight from the decision makers

I figured that you didn’t call @RossIlana . With tensions running high however just the mention of that option on this forum could have people snap and pick up the phone. :open_mouth: :)] :)]

@WilliamNYC No I’m out of state.

Less than 3 hours before the clock strikes 07:15 PM…
You guys think there will be anything today? Or they wait till tomorrow?

@itwasawedding I think the time you applied is the main factor. It makes the most sense because they would’ve looked at them earlier and thus made the decision earlier. When did you submit?

@WilliamNYC hopefully there are more decisions tonight!! I don’t see why there wouldn’t be

hopefully tonight! :-S

@Guacamoleisgood I believe I applied in the mid of August.

Once people receive their acceptances, they probably stop checking this site! I am curious to know when they applied as I haven’t figured out if acceptances are coming in the order in which people applied. I submitted my application on the deadline date, November 1st. I am wondering if that will keep me from hearing any time soon.

I applied October 21

Has anyone that applied to the Watson School heard back yet?

@lavidalocamama applied nov1 acceptance nov 28…

I doubt that date of application is a reliable indicator of when we’ll hear the result…

anyone hear anything back yet?

Nothing yet… I think I see a pattern here… Bing releases decisions every other business day! Tomorrow…

Nope :frowning: @altoqueen

Im not too sure about that @WilliamNYC . On nov 30th and dec 1st several people got in on both days but i could be wrong idk