SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

My son applied 9/30 and received his decision on 11/30. His friends got their decisions on 11/28, 11/29 & 12/1.

D got in November 30. Applied in early September. Great GPA. Good ACT. Excellent essay. I think essay made the difference.

Thank you so much for the information! What a lucky bunch of kids! Are you from New York,@H0llyw00d??

My S applied 9/30 also… hasn’t heard anything yet.

hopefully they release more decisions tonight! :slight_smile:

I’m hoping!

@lavidalocamama yes, we are from New York. Yes, they really are lucky!

My DD got in EA on 11/28. I believe someone earlier said they received a letter about a scholarship about a week later. Should my DD assume she didn’t get one if she doesn’t hear anything or does scholarship info come out later? Thanks and good luck to everyone!

DD got her scholarship information in her mailed acceptance letter which came about 10 days after the email.

Thanks. Congrats to you daughter. Their site says that most scholarship info comes out in the spring.

I have a 1410 sat and 92.843 weighted and I’m black what are my chances

I’m applying to Harper by the way

@youngbull667 very high

My S has similar stats @youngbull667 and I am guessing a deferral to the RD round with an acceptance at that time. Definitely going to be thrilled with an EA acceptance though!

@WilliamNYC did you apply to Harper I heard its one of the easier ones to get into

@DD2022 Forgive me if you already did this, but would you mind sharing your stats for Decker?

Anymore decisions tonight?

Yes, later today starting at around 7PM.

Fingers crossed for responses tonight!!!

Nothing yet again :frowning: