SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

When I looked at the 2022 thread from last year it looked like there were acceptaces on 12/7 and then again on 12/12.

Accepted to Harpur

ACT:30 (32G)(27M)(32R)(28S)
SAT:1300 (720 English) (580 Math) (didn’t send)
SAT II: 700 US History
GPA:90 Unweighted 94 weighted

Rank: Top 30 percent
Extra: Very Strong imo. Eagle Scout, Boys State, Captain of Volleyball and soccer team, Student body secretary for 2 years. Worked part-time at a sporting goods store for a year. Vice President of the national honors society. A bunch of clubs I kinda just did for fun/fill my resume like Philosophy, Deca, And Pre-Law
State Residency: Instate
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Hooks: Sister currently a student in the Honors College with a 4.0

Applied date:10/23/18
Applied Early Action?: yuh
Decision date:12/5/18
Decision/College: Accepted;Harpur

Harpur OOS
1380 SAT/97.85 unweighted GPA. Eagle Scout; varsity XC and Track; 3 AP classes

more decisions tonight?

Still waiting…

Haven’t heard back yet. I have solid ec, 7 AP classes, 1470 SAT, 3.5 gpa out of 4. In state. Applied to engineering. A lot of people I know are getting accepted. Worried.

for all the lower end applicants that applied to harpur, don’t worry so much! On the Harpur College History page on Bing’s website it said the average SAT for a freshman at Harpur is a 1275, ACT is a 28, GPA is a 93/100!!


…and waiting.

do we think decisions are coming out TN?!

hopefully, last year some acceptances got sent out on the 11th

Can someone please chance me? Bing is my top school and I’m getting really anxious.

SAT: 1410 (750 math)(660 English)
EC: Good, about 10 solid ones
Multiple internships, powerfulessay, winner of academic competitions at university’s, multiple leadership activities, captain of mock trial

Do emails come out on tuesdays and thursdays? or is that a rumor?

Nothing out today. Better luck tomorrow :frowning:

Still waiting for the decision also, applied for Harpur too.

Received official letter of acceptance for Harpur in the mail today.

@blazinamazin2023 Sorry this reply is a little late, but I applied mid-October and received my acceptance 11/28. I’m EA out of state from NJ.

@eli5678 are you OOS? I applied as well and am waiting


Hi HSinLI, I’m just guessing here, but maybe they are working their way through each of the colleges by choosing applicants with the very highest stats in the first sweep, and will then move to the next tier and the next. My son has a 1460 SAT, 3.78 GPA, very strong EC’s and awards…also still waiting on engineering.
Good luck to you. I just hope everyone ends up wherever they will do best!