SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

I had my application switched from Harpur to CCPA

Wait CCPA is another process? How hard is it?

I was rejected from SOM but they want to review my application for admission to Harpur

What were your stats?

I had a 1320 SAT, 29 ACT and 96 weighted GPA

Son got rejected from SOM and they want to review for Harpur. Anyone have experience with this?

Yes, I got this decision too.

We are in state. You ?

Yes I’m in state. Bing is a really popular school to apply to at my high school. They accept 40-50 from my school every year out of a 100-120 applicants.

Applied EA to decker school of nursing on 10/24, just got a decision today, deferred. I have a 1290 sat, 93 weighted gpa, and am in state for those wondering - a vast majority of my class applied as well. Hoping for good news by April 1st!

DD accepted to Harpur with guaranteed admission to SOM for Fall 2020 if she gets at least a 3.5 and a few pre-requisites. In-state, 3.5 unweighted GPA, 32 ACT, double varsity athlete 4 yrs and captain of both teams

Son got accepted yesterday into Engineering. In state. SAT 1440 (Math -770). GPA around 99/100, SAT2 Math 2 - 720, Physics - 760

Here are my stats and major-
GPA-95.67 (weighted)
SAT-1210 (superscored)
Major-Social Work- CCPA
7 AP classes and 6 dual enrollment classes, 3 season varsity athlete, multiple clubs and extracurriculars, various honor societies and a lot of community service.

DS applied EA to Watson for comp sci in October. Was just deferred to RD. SAT 1440 92 UW 3 AP’s, 3 university classes.

Accepted for computer science…1500 superscore, 1480 one sitting. 96/106 UW/W GPA, lots of AP credits and what not! Whoo Hoo! Now let’s see where he decides to go lol!

Son got accepted today thru portal engeneering school

Son accepted into Harpur just now. In state, 36 ACT, 4.0 unweighted

Son just got accepted into Harpur but was denied school of management. I’ve heard getting into SOM from Harpur very difficult. Anyone have any experience with this?

Congrats @MrRobot2018 and everyone else! I just got accepted myself and I know we’ve all waited for a long time!

Just got in to Harper like 20 minutes ago!!