SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

I applied regular decisions and just got into harpur!

Regular decision good luck !!

My daughter got into Harpur today! She was notified online (email to check portal) – nothing in the mail yet.

Regular decision - applied in December
SATs: 1420
GPA (w): 3.6
Rigorous course load (APs/honors)
Nice extracurriculars (NHS, TriM, theater, Girl Scouts, more)
Decent recommendations
Out of state

Good luck all!

My son was accepted into Watson School of Engineering the beginning of January. He now feels his passion is more in the business field and wants to change his major. Does anyone know if it is at all possible to transfer acceptance from Watson School of Engineering to SOM? He has great Stats SAT 1560, gpa 3.96, many AP and honor classes, many EC’s including DECA club with many business awards, captain of hockey team. If so what is the best way to begin the process.

Does anyone know if acceptances to the scholar program or FRI been announce yet? My son was accepted into Watson for Computer Science back in Dec. EA
SAT 1520
95 un, 103 w
12 ap, 6 College level, rest honors
NMSF (awaiting for NMF)

DD was accepted earlier this week. Initial notice came by email and we just got package in the mail yesterday. The email was just a congrats type email, the package contained merit info. The letter doesn’t say where she was accepted - will have to have her check the portal - but I believe it’s what she applied for which is Environmental Science.

Binghamton was one of the tougher schools DD applied to with 1300 SAT and 3.52 gpa. She was awarded Dean’s Scholarship for $5000 per year. Nothing huge but everything helps. I believe being out of state helped, and also, she has taken mostly honors or AP courses, and was in the high schools Agriscience and Biotech program, which is integrated with UCONN. Her junior and senior year she was taking honors level UCONN ECE classes (which would count as uconn credit). This school has been one of her top choices all along. As a parent, the comments about the crime issues in Binghamton has me quite concerned however.

@HankCT count me in on the concerned about crime issues. My D really likes Bing and it is one of her top 3 choices, but I’m not sure how to handle my concerns. We will be visiting in March (she already visited once with her dad, but I didn’t go along for that trip) and I will do all i can to get a sense of safety then.

@HankCT and @zipstermom - I’ve been keeping track of these conversations, but I must have missed something somewhere along the line - there’s a problem with crime in Binghamton? Would you mind sharing the concerns? We visited and didn’t see anything untoward going on in town that one day we were there. Thank you!

I’m basing this off the threads about bing crime. Granted it may just be one poster but they are links to actual news stories. The safety issue as I understand it is NOT on the main campus - and the campus itself seemed quite safe and nice when we visited. It was more about off campus area

We visited this fall and I didn’t get a sense of any crime issues. The campus was sprawling, and even though it was day time you could see plenty of installed street lamps and the blue light system. They mentioned a student escort system as well. There was a fairly large public safety building and we saw regular security patrol cars roaming around the campus. During our visit there was a night street festival going on in downtown Binghamton which attracted a very varied mix of locals and students. It felt fine. I would say only that the Binghamton area feels economically depressed, as a lot of smaller cities do, but safety seemed ok. You can read their safety report.

DD got accepted to SOM early December and today she got her acceptance to SOM Honors Program.

How was she notified?

And if you don’t mind me asking, what we’re her stats?

She got it in the mail yesterday.

ACT 35, Subject SATs: Math 2, 790, Chem, 750. GPA, 3.7. AP Honors Awardee, plus extra curricular activities.

Does BInghamton really not have to compete for top students? We have gotten significant merit offers from several schools which have pretty made my son’s mind up and we almost have forgotten about Binghamton. It’s a shame; he was interested in their Cinema major.

Same story here. My son applied early action with a 92 UW avg, and 1430 SAT back in October. If he had been accepted, he wouldn’t have even applied anywhere else. Instead he was deferred to RD and still hasn’t heard anything. In the meantime he has received great merit scholarships from other school and isn’t even thinking about Binghamton anymore.

Funny thing is, I personally know 5 kids who were accepted to Binghamton for early action, and none of them have any intention of going to Binghamton. I’m sure there are plenty of EA kids who are going, but the ones I know personally all used it as a safety school. In the end, they are not going to get my son, and they are not going to get the kids I know that they accepted ahead of him.

@SummFan @Rkitty1 The college application process can be frustrating! I don’t think Binghamton means to ignore someone who is really interested in attending or would make a great student. Instead, I think they are overwhelmed with the number of applicants and apply some fixed criteria by school/major to initially filter the applicant pool. Then they probably take a closer look at people that fall around their cutoffs. They must have a really difficult time separating applicants with real interest from those who are using it as a fallback. If you are still interested, maybe it would help to contact your admissions rep to update them on your year and reiterate your commitment to attending?

I tend to agree with @jdcollegedad - a big chunk of it probably revolves around choice of major vs number of kids applied for it, as well as in state vs out of state. My DD was accepted with lower numbers than @SummFan, (1300 SAT, 3.5 weighted GPA), but hard to know where everyone went to school and course rigor. DD was in a special Agriscience and Biotech program in HS, she took AP and honors classes as well as ECE classes. The rigor was high, and the school itself is very competitive. Major applied for was Env Science, and we are out of state. That combination may have meant an early answer of acceptance for us.

Another good point is that if your stats are TOO high, and you are from NY, they probably assume Bing is more of a safety school for you. 1430 and 92UW put a person close to Cornell/Dartmouth type entry point as a possibility. So they may feel (more like guess) that person is not going to accept anyway.

What I do like about the early DECISION process (versus early action) is that for kids who are sure they want to go to a school, ED makes a lot of sense for both parties. EA is a little more confusing, since it really just means you find out RD sooner.

DS just received honors invitation to FRI and is very excited! We are in-state. Good luck to anyone else hoping to be accepted :slight_smile: