SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

@lovemycats - are you going to the local accepted student reception tonight by any chance?! I think my son also is thinking Bing as SB is a little too close to home.

Are referring to the one at a persons home? Ive lost track of which one is when. lol. I decided against it for 2 reasons, 1) my son is a very quiet kid & doesn’t want to go & I decided not to press the issue, because 2) what he really wants to know is more about the school, program & nesting first hand not hear say. This is my quiet child. Ironically my husband is a bing graduate you think it would be his top choice…

@lovemycats - yes I think it is at someone’s home. Funnily enough my son is very quiet too - I dreaded anywhere that recommended interviews as he’s not a big talker. I think he wants information on the FRI program and is hoping someone there will have more details. Good luck with this process - I know I can’t wait for it to be over with!

@lovemycats We are in a very similar situation except that my son was deferred from early action to Bing, and we are still waiting to hear back. He has been accepted to SB. He applied for mathematics, but plans to double major in mathematics and computer science. He was accepted to two engineering private schools, but the cost is outrageous for both (2-2,5 times of state school tuition). My son will be deciding between Bing and SB and he does not want to go away too far. For this reason, he did not apply to any out of state schools, which may not have been a smart move…

SB is around $3k cheaper than Bing. So with your son’s SB scholarship it may be a bargain for you. I was told SB computer science program is better.

Do you know whether Manhattan employers recruit more students from SB than Bing? This would be helpful to know and a big plus for NYC kids…

My biggest concern about SB is the tripling issue with dorms.

Son also accepted to both Bing (Scholars) and SB (Honors). Got some merit aid from both. (Bing=$3800 and SB=$4000) He’s computer science, and therefore would rather go to SB as it is more highly rated. My concern is that I’m told that SB empties out on the weekends as most students are from Long Island and go home. We also live on LI, and I don’t want him home over the weekends.

He was also accepted to Honors College at Univ of Maryland as a Computer Science major. They gave him $12K per year merit scholarship, but NO real financial aid. (Only various loans.) The total cost for us will be $40K ! ($52K - $12K) UMD computer science is first rate.

I also have a daughter starting college next year. Same problem, but between UMD and Bing.
Still awaiting decisions from other schools.

It’s more nerve wracking for the parents.

@AJC My son from the get go didn’t want a state school. I told him he had to apply to a few state schools & a local school incase he decided not to o away. Bing & stonybrook were it. I have tried to explain the expense. He did apply to other OOS, private & Stem schools to. Right now only heard from RIT, & at $15000 moe then a state I can’t see that. Wish I know the answer about where employees higher from. I would think both, but stonybrook is the STEM school, so not sure. I question to ask for sure at accepted students day, & who knows what is real.

@UMDtwins Similar scenero here. Also accepted to UMD honors, CS, & BING Scholars. You hard from SB about honors? Didn’t think that went out yet, I know my son applied also. Aren you instate, NY or MD? UMD only gave my. son $5000, the lowest he received from any school. No aid either, (most oos offered workstudy at least) so that is out.

I also have another child at I NYS SUNY school going into her sr yr. hard choices ahead.

@lovemycats We would have to pay $47k for RIT and $60k for RPI. I am speechless… In my opinion, RIT is definitely not worth the cost and SB or Bing is just as reputable. RPI is a different story, but I would never allow my son to take on $200,000 in loans.

@AJC we just got out financial for RIT now. Same down to about $36 for us with 2 in school, but I know that grant will go away after the first year. Its looking more like 1 of the 2 state schools… I agree $200,000 in student loans is absurd.

My mistake. Just got home and spoke to my son. SB honors did not yet come out. Sorry for the misinformation.

I’m sure opinions vary, but, FWIW, I often interview kids right out of college for entry level comp sci positions, and I couldn’t care less about where they went to college. To me, for comp sci anyway, it really makes no difference. I wouldn’t be impressed with Ivy league over SUNY, and I wouldn’t put one SUNY school over any other. The schools all seem to use the same text books. I would see if the kids knows his/her stuff in the interview, but then I’m just as influenced by the kid’s personality and if he/she seems like someone I want to work with.

My son is deciding between Fredonia, Oswego, and Binghamton for comp sci now. I have told him to just pick the one where he sees himself and don’t worry about employ-ability. I suspect that Binghamton kids are recruited more than the other two, but it will also cost more (less merit $)…but he won’t have any trouble finding a job with a CS degree from any of them, and after your first job, your college matters less and less.

@SummFan Along these lines, I also interview programmers all the time, and I actually count it against a candidate if they went to an elite school (and we get plenty of these, Harvard, MIT, etc). Now, while this may seem unfair, it’s more about the perspective of the graduate. Many who go to MIT/Harvard openly say in their interview that they are expecting to save the world. They want to work for a famous dot com, or start their own company with a dreamy IPO in the future. They want to work on the latest AI, or fancy elastic search. What they don’t want to do is what normal programmers do in 99% of the firms out there. So I look for kids who show competence who went to solid schools, but most importantly, want the job. Often the Ivy folks would get bored (whether or not they should is a different discussion), so I pass on them. They want to work at Tesla, Google, Seamless … anything that has an App :slight_smile:

Computer Science, however, is one of the fields where school matters the least. One of my best people went to a CUNY school because it was very affordable. I personally went to a Niche B- rated school that many people wouldn’t even know had a comp sci department. That smaller department however allowed me to double major, and replace all my 101 classes with 400 level classes. I even did independent studies in tech I wanted to explore (back in the late 90s it was Java and CGI/Perl). At larger schools that flexibility is a non starter.

off topic but I got an FRI invitation in the mail today! (for those still interested in honors programs) didn’t see anything about scholars so I’m guessing that’s not an option. . .
instate 1570 SAT 95 GPA accepted ea and filled out an FRI “interest form” a few weeks ago

FRI seems pretty appealing but between didn’t-give-any-aid Bing vs full-tuition-offer Stony I’m leaning towards Stony for now!

Has any SOM accepted students received an invite for the PWC scholars program?m

And is PWC scholars only for accounting majors , or do Business Admin students get offered the program too?

Congrars! Did the school request for you to fill out the “interest form” ? where did you find it?

Anyone get accepted into the School of Management for Regular Decision?

@yiddopup thanks! I didn’t get any specific requests to fill it out, I think I just googled “Binghamton FRI” and under their enrollment process page there was a link to the form

does anybody know if the stony full-tuition scholarship MUST be applied towards tuition and not other fees like room/board? meaning could it possibly stack with excelsior

@microdrop18 did you apply to Stonybrook honors? Have you heard? What’s your major? My son got into Binghamton scholars. It doesn’t give scholarship either, but a 1 time stipend for $3500 for summer research, internships or study abroad. He also got free tuition for Stonybrook. Between the 2 & Rutgers. Computer sci. If you are in ny & top 10% of your class you can do ny stem scholarship, but need to stay in ny. Depends on major.