SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

Any RD applicants hear back yet?

@LittleLiam I have, i applied in january and was accepted early february i think.

Excelsior is a last payer scholarship, that can only be used toward any remaining tuition after all other aid that can be used toward tuition (TAP, STEM, Honors tuition scholarships, and Pell) has been exhausted. If you have a full tuition scholarship, then you will not be eligible for Excelsior

Went to an admitted students dinner last night for Bing in NJ last night. Full house, nice presentation with plenty of time for questions of the admissions staff. Told us they are reworking the housing application process to not penalize students who may not deposit way earlier than the May 1 decision date. My understanding is in the past, the earlier you deposit, the earlier you got to pick your housing.

Has anyone that applied EOP heard back yet?

PWC is for any SOM student regardless of their major is accounting or business administration

My daughter, who is in-state and has strong stats, has not heard whether she got in RD. A lot of her friends have heard. Is this a bad sign? Why would they wait so long? She got everything in on time.

@xinabess I woul d say it’s not a BAD sign. To have a rejection, deferral or wait list would probably be considered worse. It may just be a case of your daughter being right on the in-state bubble, with stats that are good enough but with all of the dorm space already allocated. They may just be waiting for someone to decline. I think a lot of families (mine included) are taking their time with a decision, with the admitted student days in March and April.

It may not hurt for her to reach out with an email, just asking to confirm if they have everything they need from her, and if there is anything else she can provide. You may find out something is missing or off, and at worst, it let’s them know she is very interested?

For Penn State, we were wait-listed, and the letter said “your academics and achievements qualify you for PSU, but we are at max capacity right now. You can choose to stay on the wait list”. At a certain point I think there are students with the numbers, but they just did not get picked first, perhaps due to number of kids from that region already, or major, etc.

@xinabess My brother applied Jan 1 last year and got rejected Feb 20. So I think if you haven’t heard back yet, you’re still in the running or they would have sent our ur rejection already

Interesting, HankCT. I never knew they could be at max capacity before the May 1 deadline. She applied to U of Pittsburgh rolling and found out in 2 weeks that she was in. What will be will be!

What I mean by max capacity is that they know that they have a 20% conversion rate. So they accept 40% of applicants, and of those, about 20% agree to enroll. I think last year, about 13K were accepted, and 2500 freshman enrolled. So they may have already made as many offers as they can assuming a 20% acceptance rate. But if more kids decline, then more offers will be made.

Some stats here I found:

Your daughter may be in a small pool of kids they would prefer NOT to send a wait list notification to, with the expectation that they are likely to make an acceptance offer soon. Just throwing that out there, no promises. Like you said, what will be will be!

@chowbellanj - we were there too. It was a nice turn-out and the 2 counselors were very personable and easy to speak with.

Thanks HankCT. It looks like they send out decisions 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1, so it’s not truly rolling. I guess that means we’ll hear 4/1.

@xinabess I got accepted on Valentines Day, so it’s not just on the first of every month! Good luck!

My kid applied early action to the Watson school in October, with mid 1400’s SAT, and low 90’s unweighted average, AP and college classes. Got deferred to RD in January and is still waiting to hear. Status just says, will hear something by April 1st.

Binghamton was original 1st choice, but has been accepted to and offered scholarships from other schools in the meantime. We are in state, so not expecting much/any merit aid from Binghamton. Best case at this point is acceptance by 4/1, and having to make a quick decision between other schools with scholarships vs. Binghamton with no scholarships.

Same scenario, except mid 1300’s SAT. The waiting is brutal.

@SummFan @Dawnelyse We are in exact same situation. Applied EA to Harpur, deferred to RD with 1350 SAT/3.6 GPA and full Diploma IB program, in state… It seems that Bing has already denied everyone they wanted to deny. They are probably waiting out to see how many deposits they receive which makes no sense since the deposits are not due until May 1… It is frustrating waiting until the very last minute. It seems that Bing and Stony Brook are overcrowded

@AJC Might not be waiting for deposits, but waiting for non-acceptance responses. Even though we have not decided yet, we have send a few schools “no thanks” formal responses. I’m guessing they are taking each of those and sending out an additional offer as a result, as they come. Yes, it’s also likely that people aren’t going to decide until April, so it could be a wait.

I’ve read an article about how the college admissions process is broken. Essentially people apply to 10 schools, and maybe get into 8, and then they sit around and wait until April to decide, which causes a chain reaction all the way down through the levels of admitted students (example, kid who is deciding between Cornell for full price and Binghamton. Bing would love to have them, but isn’t sure they will accept. That spot is locked up until they decide). It’s like 40 people trying to merge on to a highway at once.

@HankCT Do you think everyone sends a “no thanks” response? I am guessing most people don’t bother, but I would be curious to know. Another issue with Bing is that they rush to accept students who also applied to ivy schools. These students don’t plan to go to Bing, and will most likely deny, but it hurts the rest of the students who actually want to attend…This entire process and the cost of college is extremely frustrating

@AJC Not sure, I think at least some do. It’s supposedly the right thing to do. I know my daughter will formally decline anything she isn’t accepting.

The problem with schools like Bing (and Uconn for us CT residents) is that for many kids its their first choice, but a safety for the top kids. Long story short, EVERYONE applies. So yeah, it becomes a mess, and a waiting game.

I’m convinced that after my 3 kids finish college, the system will crumble and education will become like it is in the better educated countries (Canada, Europe). I’ll be one of the last fools to pay for college. After which, my taxes will increase so I can pay for other kids college in the future :slight_smile:

I entirely think this system is terribly broken and is a ticking time bomb. College costs cannot continue to rise faster than inflation and be sustainable.

By the way, this is why state flagships are becoming more and more in demand. The cost of Bing for a NY resident is almost comical it’s so cheap (in relation to going out of state). As an example, a community college near me has in state tuition of almost 5K. Meanwhile, in state tuition for Binghamton is only 9K. You’re getting 10 times the education and earning potential, for an extra 5K per year. This is why everyone in NY applies and we have these terrible waits.