SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

@HankCT I could not agree more!!

anyone know anything about transferring into Bing… I have yet to receive a decision :frowning:

@HankCT - I originally come from England, but have now been here for over thirty years - and we too are knee-deep in the college application process with our youngest. I was explaining how this works here to one of my visiting British cousins, and he was perplexed by why our kids apply to so many universities. 8-10 is not uncommon, and my son has friends who have applied to many more than that. My cousin told me that kids in the UK generally apply to no more than 4 schools, and that everyone always gets into one of those schools (as long as their grades are commensurate with their choices).

Maybe part of the problem is that the common app makes it so easy to apply to SO many schools with just the one essay, a relatively low fee, and the click of a mouse. Perhaps if additional school-specific essays were required or there was a limit to how many schools students could apply to, it might make this whole process more bearable for everyone. Less applications = less rejections/deferrals = less waitlists = happier students and parents! I’m just thankful we don’t have to go through this again - I don’t think I could survive another round of college applications lol!

On another note, for anyone who has been waitlisted at Bing, it definitely pays to be patient. I spoke with an old friend of mine this week whose son had been WL last year, but finally in June was offered a spot. He is now an engineering major and loving it :slight_smile:

Hi! Joined so late in this discussion that have no time to read the whole thread-- But have you guys discuss SAFETy around Bing campus? Read somewhere about gang related crimes and it’s terrifying, definitely something my family have to look into on our visit in April.

@butete There is a different thread that discusses the safety that is not very long. I have visited the college three times. The campus is big but is pretty self contained. The issues are more outside the campus. You just have to be careful in certain areas if you go off campus. It is like that with many colleges that are not in farm country.

I still haven’t heard back and my friends have, should I be concerned?

Funny thing is, I applied to SBU and got accepted like a week after handing in my application, so I don’t know what to expect.

If anyone can give insight/advice, would be much appreciated!

@familyfromLI , in our case, this was our first applying to college, so we really did not know what to expect. We didn’t really apply to reach OR safety schools. We just applied to 10 schools that were all sort of in the range. All ranked from A- to A in Niche, so not a lot of ranking diversity there (all are sort of between 60 and 100 in the US news national uni rankings).

We did this because we had no idea if we would be accepted to 2 of 10, 9 of 10, or somewhere in between, and what the merit would look like. We sort of expected the rejection process to “weed out” a lot of schools for us. Thing is, she was accepted to 8, wait listed at one (Penn State) and denied at her home state flagship (with offer to go to branch and then transfer later). So the good news was lots of success! The bad news was lots of success!

Next, came the merit pieces. These were quite mixed. Ironically, the lowest ranked of all 9 schools (UVM) offered not a penny of merit. Made me a little angry since they were asking us for 56K per year, while EVERYONE else offered some merit, and much lower net costs. After merit, our cheapest was 35K per year, and the more expensive were in the 45k net per year price. 4 or more were 41K per less. So UVM, the weakest academically and ranking wise of the 10, is asking for 56-57K per year! Insane.

I think if we had more clarity and it wasn’t such a wile guess in the dark, we would have applied to 2-4 schools, tops. But since merit is a wild card, and so is acceptance, I actually regret not applying to 10 more! For all I know, one of them would have really loved her enough to offer a superior package.

@HankCT - I totally hear you. We’re in the same boat and did the exact same thing. This is a crazy wild ride that’s not a lot of fun for students or parents. I think the greatest difference between the UK and the US is cost. We hedged our bets as well.

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but if you have a favorite and the admission stats are similar to a school where she was offered more money, you can go back to school A and try to leverage a better offer. I didn’t know that with our first in the beginning, but after we found out, we did go back and explain that although that school was our first choice and we were most grateful for their generous offer, we were still having to consider other schools because others had offered more scholarship money (and we attached the letters) so the financial component was a factor in our consideration as well. We didn’t get all that much more, but they did come back with an additional $3000 in scholarship money per year, which was certainly better than nothing! But it really does have to be a school with similar stats. Thought I’d mention it because not all school guidance depts tell their parents that (ours didn’t).

When you write that letter though, it is very important to come across humble and grateful - you know the old saying that you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar :wink:

Hi! Do you guys know what GPA do I have to keep my scholarships ? I was awarded Provost’s scholarship

@familyfromLI We are doing just that. Through the “appeal” process. They even have sections on the site for you to pick a school (with autocomplete) and attach a file (letter), with a box to put in your “reason” for asking for more.

Convenient, yet a little sad that it’s become a cat and mouse game akin to buying a car. Are you SURE that’s your best offer? Let me ask my manager …

We did go the route of thankful (because indeed we actually are very thankful for the acceptance and the existing merit). The truth for us is that there really are 3-4 schools that are all very comparable schools, and at the end of the day I would have a hard time paying an extra 5K per year (20K overall) for one over the other. So if one can come in low enough, it might sway us. There is an amount that we parents would pay (and we would allow DD to borrow) if there was a “dream school” or “perfect fit” scenario, but as of now she is liking them all for varying reasons, all have her major and minor interests, all a good reputation.

The appeals process seems to claim a decision around mid-April, this seems fairly late? I’d would prefer to make a decision by then. A new offer could throw a last minute curveball. I get that they do this so you can’t keep parlaying offers, but we’d love to have a decision already made. We see a lot of kids and families posting on FB about where their kid is going, and buying the sweatshirts and all. It must be nice to be settled :slight_smile:

@HankCT - we’re still waiting to hear on a number of schools and won’t know til the end of March/beginning of April. I agree, it is like buying a car - only I’ve never bought a car this expensive or ever been this aggravated doing so! It would be nice to put this chapter to bed already. I have to believe that at the end of the day it will all shake out the way it 's supposed to. Besides, I’ve reitered to my son over and over: it doesn’t matter where you start, it’s what you make of it and where you finish that counts :slight_smile:

Accepted. Watson, CS. 3.5 GPA, 1430 SAT. Where my Watson people at?

Did you just get notified yesterday? My son applied to Watson, but hasn’t heard yet.

I got notified a fee days ago. Don’t worry his decision will come on or before April 1

anyone going for a campus visit this saturday?

Still nothing :frowning:

My daughter hasn’t heard yet either.

Just received notification regarding acceptance for spring 2020 semester (but not fall 2019). So frustrating! Months and months of waiting … Does anyone have any information to share regarding the benefits of waiting until spring 2020? thanks

my daughter too was accepted for spring…unfortunately, we are going to decline…but still feel proud, she got accepted…overall…this is the second suny school my daughter has been accepted…sadly, we were not impressed with binghamptons campus…btw, congrats on all who got accepted…

When did you find out???