SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

@justalilconfused77 if you are planning to go to law school and taking on a huge debt ($150k +), then you are better off going to a less expensive undegrad school. If you plan on working in NYC, it’s very hard to get a job in a big law firm unless you graduate from the top tier law school. It’s unfortunate, but it is the reality. Good luck!!!

@justalilconfused my son applied to both. He was also accepted to both. Binghamton is instate, son no scholarship (only OOS do they give it to), he also received $14,000 for Umass but not honors (he is in honor in all other schools, so was very surprised & is NMF) but he never visited & wasn’t infested in mass. I did visit with my first child a few yrs ago. umass is a bigger school. Both I feel are good, just a matter of comfort. I would agree if planning law school cost is important.

@AJC They called me to take me off the waitlist and directly admit me into the fall computer science program of this year

Two days ago son was just taken off the wait list and admitted into CS for this fall at Binghamton. Got the news via a cell phone call during the day as well. They didn’t say how much time he has to decide - just said he’ll get a formal acceptance letter with merit aid information in the mail this week. My son is now deciding between Binghamton and Oswego…he had already decided on Oswego before this week’s news from Binghamton. He received some very good merit aid and scholarships from Oswego…he’ll have to make a quick decision between the two schools soon once he gets the aid info from Binghamton - which I suspect will be substantially less than Oswego.

@SummFan congratulations. Just a warning if you are instate Binghamton does not give merit $, that is only for OOS for diversity. They will give financial aid which is FAFSA related, you may get more for Binghamton then oswego in aid since it does cost more. They also will not match other instate schools.

congratulations ? were originally a spring admit or just waitlisted for Fall?

He had been wait listed for fall.

He initially applied early action last October, then got rolled into RD in January, then waitlisted in March, and accepted this week. Lol…it’s been a long process. If he had been accepted for EA, he wouldn’t have even applied anywhere else.

Just got off the waitlist and accepted to Watson for Fall 2019!!! They gave me a call and said I was in. Very excited I will be attending Binghamton!!!

@zipstermom Yeah, I got a response back, it was very terse (not a lot of empathy there), no merit money available/left I was told. I’m not sure I believe that, since U at Buffalo is also a SUNY school and they just increased their annual merit offer by 5K per year on 4/17/19 (late in the game, and from the same state school system).

I’m in a bit of a pickle. My wife wants DD closer to home (Bing is 3.5 hours, Buffalo is 7). DD visited Bing, loved it. But my financial spidey senses are going crazy. 10K per year more is a lot to swallow. On one hand, we had decided to go Binghamton based on the final net price, came to peace with it. Then the letter showed up from U at B. I feel that my DD and wife will override my financial sensibilities.

@HankCT I feel your pain! However, Binghamton and Stony Brook are known for not giving a lot of aid. They are the top two SUNY schools and they know it. My DS (in state) has received two different scholarships from Buffalo and zero aid from both Binghamton and Stony Brook. When considering Buffalo, keep in mind the cost of airfare if you decide to fly back and forth instead of driving…

Has anyone gotten off the Harpur waitlist this week? It looks like they are reviewing Watson waitlist this week. According to the last year’s comments, most of the students received phone calls re. waitlist around May 6-9…

Congrats to all the applicants who were accepted. My DD is class of 2024 and her stats are as follows:

99.05 GPA (weighted)
1430 SAT
4 APs
Light on ECs (she spends her time studying a lot)

are ECs very important? She loves Bing and I know from the stats side she is more likely to be admitted but will the light extra curriculars hurt her?


@SpaceshipDad Your DD should be fine. They seem to be focused on GPA before anything else. She can apply early action in November.

@AJC Thank you. We plan on applying Early Action to Harpur in October. Congrats to all the new Bing Students!

@HankCT - It’s not as cold and there’s a little less snow in the winter - maybe that alone is worth the difference! :smiley:

My son will be declining his spot tonight as he decided on another school. Good luck to everyone in the fall!

@familyfromLI if I remember correctly we were looking at some of the same schools. What major? We are Computer Science. Where did he decide? Mine hasn’t decided but is leaning toward Binghamton.

@peeves3478 Can you tell me how the conversation went? I got a email earlier today to call them to talk about my admission so I’m hoping that they will also take me off the wait list however they’re not picking up right now.

@lovemycats - he is leaning towards bio with a biomedical eng. minor, or possibly a double major science/some sort engineering - but who knows! He’s heading to GWU in DC. Be pretty funny if he winds up in something he never had any interest in like international affairs or political science lol!

Your son’s got 5 days left. Do you think he’ll go down to the wire before he makes his decision!!!

@familyfromLI well last he said is he is leaning toward Binghamton. I think that’s we’re he will end up. I gave him a 4/30 cut off. He is between there & Rutgers. Rutgers is higher ranked but feel he will be a number. I very big program. Binghamton is a well rated college but a smaller program. We fell it is better socially for him. In honors at both so that adds to it. Congratulations on GW another very good school. DC is a fun area to be in. Good luck.

@collegee54 They called me and asked me if I was still interested, they said that they had a few spots open for Watson and offered me one. It was an easy conversation nothing to worry about.