<p>I'm trying to figure out which of these schools to go to, they were all my safeties, but I didn't get into any of my reaches(NYU, JHU, Cornell). As of now my plan is to try and transfer after my first year. Right now I'm leaning towards URochester because its a great school and I feel like I'll have the best chances of transferring there. What do you guys think of the schools for now?</p>
<p>go to easy school and get GPA 4.0 any school is ok... just easy school</p>
<p>Npatel, I take it your a HS senior right? DO NOT go into your Freshman year knowing you want to transfer. At least try out the school you attend, and give it a achance, dont come in there with a negative attitude.</p>
<p>I doubt you will still want to transfer to NYU once you get into URochester....URochester is a fantastic school in my mind and it gives undergraduate student a lot of research opportunities which are not attainable at NYU. Besides, the URochester campus is just so beautiful...</p>
<p>I'm with Cider. If you know that NYU or Cornell are the schools for you, you could realistically get into NYU (don't know about Cornell) if you go to a cheap school and keep a 4.0. Why go to an expensive, far away school knowing you want to transfer?</p>
<p>Well by no means am I against Rochester...I just want to be closer to home. I've basically taken BU out of the equation and am debating between Rochester and Bing. I spoke to an admissions officer at NYU who told me that they do place emphasis on the school you attend before you apply for a transfer. My main goal is to get into NYU and my dream schools are JHU(I got deferred and then rejected)/UPenn(didn't even apply)/Columbia. I feel as though going to a Top 40 school such as Rochester and getting a high (3.85-4.0) GPA would work better for me than to get the same GPA at Bing. I'm not sure - what do you guys think?</p>
<p>If you really want to transfer to NYU, i suggest you first study at SUNY Binghanton as it is A LOT cheaper...if you got a 3.8+ GPA from that school, you can easily get into NYU CAS later.... but if you want to go to Stern, then choose URochester...you will have a better shot.</p>
<p>I see Rochester as being extremely expensive, especially for a name that doesn't have as much cache as the other costly schools you want to attend even more. So I guess I see it as a waste of money and a bad location more than anything else. But if $$ isn't an issue for you, it sounds to me like you've already made your decision. I think NYU and JHU are superior, and if you could hold onto them by rocking your GPA at a cheap, more pragmatic CC, then that makes the most sense in my mind.</p>
<p>well I am definitely leaning towards Rochester, but the fact that its so cold and in a very remote location turns me off on that school. I know Bing is still pretty cold and its still upstate NY, but I feel as though the fact that it costs so much less makes it ok. Money is in fact not an issue at all - I'd be paying the same even if I got into NYU or any of the other schools I love. Also, I love NYU and really want to get in there, but my dream school is and has been JHU. I know they're extremely difficult (about 15% transfer rate) and Columbia is enticing because its a great school and also in NYC, but the acceptance rate is so low. By no means am I decided where to go - I'm torn between Bing and Roch, but does anyone have experience with transferring or know for a fact that its easier to transfer from a private university of URoch's capability than a public school, even if Bing is the best public school in NY. Do a significant number of the applicants for transfers, especially to NYU, come from CC or public universities?</p>
<p>Go to Rochester. Bing isnt even the best public in NY. Geneseo is.</p>
<p>Bing is the best University, Geneseo the best LAC</p>
<p>anyway..if money is not a concern you should go to U of R</p>
<p>NYU is known for having the worst financial aid... go to Bing do well and transfer into NYU or Hopkins... NYU especially gives a lot of loans in their fin. aid package... so once again, I think u should go to Binghamton and do well pay their ridiculously cheap tuition and then transfer</p>
<p>Also Binghamton is the number 1 state university just to rebut your claim...</p>
<p>Good luck to you I hope u get JHU or Columbia, UPenn, NYU!!! You probably will</p>
<p>Npatel, if you think that Rochester is a remote location, then Binghmapton is a FAR more remote location. I live in Rochester, and the city is not too bad. If you are coming from a big city (NY, Boston, Chicago) it will definately be different, not going to lie, but theres definately stuff to do in the city. UR is not smack in downtown Rochester, but there are busses and the such. As for Binghampton, it isn't really near anything, and the UR campus is MUCH better looking then Bing. Bing (and frankly, all of the SUNY schools) have very ugly campuses, they look like offices complexes rather than colleges.</p>
<p>I've heard such great things about the campus and its really a no brainer for me as money really isnt an issue. I feel as though Rochester is the best place for me because I don't think I would mind being there even if I couldn't transfer into NYU, Columbia, JHU, etc. Out of curiosity though, does anyone know of people that have transferred from Rochester into other top tier schools?</p>
<p>Thanks for the comments!</p>