SUNY Buffalo --> UNC Ch Hill

<p>Hey guys here are my stats-
GPA -- 3.85
Business major, sphomore</p>

<p>SAT 1- 950</p>

<p>I know my scores is way low. But do you think it would be of greater emphasis if I apply as Junior?</p>

<p>ECs--> Computer Site Consultant, International Student Ambassador, Resident Adviosr.</p>

<p>Summer --> Summer 2006 did internship at father's logistics firm back at home + went for summer school at LSE.</p>

<p>Please post your evaluations about my chances at Kenan-Flagler!</p>


<p>43 views, 0 replies : WTH!!</p>

<p>Are you speaking about transfer from SUNY? If so, do they still look at SATs?</p>

<p>If a HS soph, with a 950 SAT and OOS I would say that your chances for admission to UNC are not very good. Sorry.</p>

<p>your chances are good with that kind of GPA.</p>

<p>Your chances are not good if your SAT score is considered.</p>