SUNY Fredonia - Is it easier to get in if I apply undecided or apply into a Major?

<p>I am looking to transfer from a 2 year school, but my grades aren't that great. They are good enough to get me into SUNY Fredonia, which is what I want, but only if I play my cards right. I have just enough credits that I can apply either as undecided or into a major with little requirements.</p>

<p>My point is, would they consider me more if I applied into as an English major or would it be easier to get in if I apply undecided?</p>

<p>P.S. - I am currently a childhood education major, and either of these majors would just end up being used to get better grades in order to get into the program I actually want. Thanks!</p>

<p>Apply undecided. However you really need to think about what made your grade not high enough to get into your chosen major and what you can do (tutoring right away, office hours at the first sign of a B…) to bring those grades up next semester.</p>

<p>I already know why it’s not high enough, I did horribly my first couple semesters of college right out of high school and was not very smart about my grades, and now even though I’ve done really well the past couple semesters, i’m really paying for those first couple :/</p>