SUNY Geneseo Class of 2014 Accepted Students

<p>Got my letter yesterday!</p>

SATI: 2140 (690M, 670 CR, 780 W)
SATII: History 690, Math I 680, Literature 710
GPA: 3.7</p>

<p>ECs: A lot of Theater stuff (Assistant Director for all four years, founded Improv club, starred in and directed local films) and Music (lead male soloist for local accapella group, Founde, managed and produced two local bands with some recording)</p>

<p>it feel great to be accepted! </p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone :)</p>

i actually got an invitation for a multicultural bus trip today, so that solves the visiting dilemma. hurrah!!
did anyone else receive one ?</p>

<p>D got one as well… We’ve been there twice so prob won’t go…</p>

<p>Got in! Through EOP, but it only means it’s just as great!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.0
SAT: 1860 (M 620, W 650, CR 590)
ECs: Two college courses - Political Science & Journalism. Newspaper at school. Environment Club & Equality Activism Club. Theater program.</p>

<p>APs: 5 and 1/2. Government, Statistics, English Lit, English Lang, US History, and Global History(but didn’t take the test).</p>

<p>Pretty good recommendations and might good essays.</p>

<p>Anyone else get their financial award letter today?</p>

<p>I did, and it sucked. All loans minus 1500 in work study and 500 from TAP. O_O</p>

<p>I got an award letter today!!
This college fits into our budget…
Going to see the school April 1…
Very excited…</p>

<p>Mine had pretty much all loans and grants maxed out + workstudy.
Pretty much what I expected with an EFC of 0.</p>

<p>All loans… expected lol.</p>

<p>You guys are right, I guess it was expected but it was my first financial aid letter and all I saw were 5 different types of loans. Discouraging, but expected. =(</p>

<p>Well, there’s the fact to consider that Geneseo has virtually no funds to distribute to students - any grants we receive are from the federal govt. or state govt.</p>

<p>got in with 34 act and 3.2 average from specialized school in nyc. taking one ap this year.
didn’t apply for honors because of the average.</p>

<p>hopefully i get a good financial aid offer, efc was around 4k but so far northeastern and american have asked me to pay over 25k after 15k scholarships. Maybe they just don’t have any money but it was pretty discouraging.</p>

<p>congrats everyone</p>

<p>My daughter is torn betw Geneseo and St Olaf in MN. Both are mid-sized, highly selective, Liberal Arts, D3 Swim team, which is what our daughter wants. Both are in rural settings. We are from a suburb of Chicago so proximity to St Olaf is a bit easier (7 hours by car) than Geneseo (10 hrs by car). Geneseo is 1st in conference in Women’s swimming, St Olaf is 4th in their conf. Any suggestions as to which one to choose or ideas about how to decide? I went to Geneseo in late 70’s/early 80’s and I know it’s changed for the better academically. Where should she go?! HELP</p>

<p>Has she visited both? We can’t make the decision for her. I guarantee you she’ll know where she wants to go when she visits them [or at least has an easier decision to make].</p>

<p>@ Rissa543</p>

<p>ill also be attending the multicultural bus trip as well!</p>

<p>I was accepted with a full ride financial aide package. SUNY Geneseo was one of my safety schools, but now I am seriously considering it. I am attending the campus overnight 12-13. I was looking for somewhere more diverse and farther from home, but it’s a great school. I’m just worried that all the students are from New York and that only half live on campus… does that sound right? Does anyone have any advice? Also, any info about the honors program would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Where are you from? Full ride is hard to turn down…</p>

<p>Rochester, NY. I really don’t want to stay so close to home, but like you said, hard to turn down.</p>

<p>Advice, anyone? Or info about the honors program?</p>

<p>Have you been admitted to the honors program already?</p>