<p>It's my top choice probably and I applied early action. My GPA is a 87.98 (grr why cant it be .02 higher) and my SAT is 1230/1600. My gpa would be lower without classes like band and art though which i got 98s and 100 in. So basically each year i had a 98 or 100 bringing up my average.
I'm going to have taken 3 APs total.
My senior schedule is APES, AP lit, calculus, econ, spanish 5, and concert band.
I have a bunch of extracurriculars such as a lot of dance and also a couple sports and theatre. I also have tutoring and reading to kids at the library for community service and I work at kumon math and reading center and day camp in the summer.
I think my essay and my 2 reccomendations will be good.
heeeelllpp. I'm freaking out every night.</p>
<p>ahh also i got a 79 in math in 10th grade.</p>
<p>I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. Your SAT scores are right around what the school is looking for. Your high school average won’t weigh you down too much, since it isn’t very far off from what the school is looking for. They will take into consideration if you took APs and Honors courses. If you have good, solid recommendations and a good essay, I don’t think you’ll have a problem being accepted for Early Action. Best of luck!</p>
<p>When are you expecting to hear from them?</p>
<p>by jan 1st? i think thats when youre supposed to find out for early action. and im no longer freaking out… haha I think I like suny oneonta more.</p>
<p>yeah you should be fine at any sunys except binghamton, geneseo, maybe albany (no sureshots but a decent candidate)
any others, ur basically a sureshot</p>
<p>hey chance me back
Ivy League 2014/others?</p>