SUNY OOS Marketing

<p>One of the things that has surprised me about the blitz of college marketing brochures my daughter has been receiving since taking the PSATs is the number of out-of-state PUBLIC colleges and universities that have sent her informational literature. She has received material from public schools of every caliber located virtually everywhere in the country.</p>

<p>As a NYS resident I am curious what OOS students' experiences have been with the SUNY schools. The percentage of the student body that comes from states other than New York is miniscule at most SUNYs compared to the publics in many other states. One might draw the conclusion that OOS recruiting efforts by most of the SUNYs is limited or non-existent. But is this so? What has been the experience of OOS students? Have you received marketing materials from any SUNYs? Which ones? I realize this is a pretty trivial question but curiosity has gotten the best of me.</p>

<p>I live OOS and I can tell you that during the college recruitment/admission season that just ended, my DD did not receive one single mailing from a SUNY school (and I am a SUNY alumnus).
I have seen, though, some web-based advertising for SUNY ESF (Syracuse).</p>

<p>Yeah, I didn't get anything from SUNY's, either. I got stuff from UVM, Rutger's, UFlorida, UTexas-Austin, Texas A & M, UArizona, most of the Big Ten (although not from U of I, humorously--I guess they just assume you are going to apply?)...probably others, too, but those are just the ones that I remember. UFlorida really won't leave me alone--they keep sending me info, even now in May. But nothing from SUNY's. </p>

<p>I was a NMSF (and now NMF), so I guess these schools were mostly just trying to buy me, but it never held much appeal--most of them were too big for me and weren't as good as UIUC, anyway. Of course they offered money, but not always as much as you might think.</p>