SUNYs and neuroscience

<p>I am applying to a SUNY as a financial safety, but I'm not sure which one I will choose. I know that Stony Brook is really good school for the sciences, but I also know that instead of a neuroscience degree, I would get a biology degree with a focus on neuroscience (or something along those lines). Same with UB, I believe. Any advice on where I should apply? Thank you in advance</p>

<p>Hello, my name is Victor. Could I ask what your name is since we might end up running into eachother someday?</p>

<p>Binghamton and Stonybrook are the only ones with an integrative neuroscience major. Oswego and Buffalo don’t have that major but each offer enough courses to do as good. Buffalo just has lots of courses available since it is huge, Oswego has a pretty good variety of courses in their department but what makes it keep up is that it has a Cognitive Sciences major which although different than actual neuroscience, still helps. Problem is Oswego has the least resources for research and internships out of all these schools and it’s curriculum is still trumped over by Binghamton which has the best overall curriculum hands down for this subject. But you also need to know if cognitive science or neuroscience is what your actually looking for.</p>
