super smart girl with a crap gpa

<p>I know this girl who has a 2400/36, 800 in math 2, physics, chem and spanish (no shes not spanish, shes jewish) but a 2.9-3.0. She's a super smart genius who is in all APs but doesn't do the work because it's too easy. She finally sucked it up and her senior yr gpa is a 4.0. She wants to go to harvard. now the question is, will she get in?</p>

<p>Btw, if you think i'm "my friend," you're wrong. I wish i was that smart. She took the tests cold.</p>

<p>Low chances</p>

<p>It is highly unlikely she will get into Harvard. Everyone who applies to Harvard is super smart and they have many many applicants with perfect SATs and ACTs and good grades and a good work ethic, and they do not all get in. Our local HS valedictorian did not get in despite fantastic scores, perfect GPA, being the State AP scholar etc etc. Why would they accept someone with a 2.9-3.0 when so many other applicants also have excellent SATs and have worked hard throughout high school.</p>

<p>i just feel bad for her, so much talent wasted. shes applying to all the ivies. i think she'll get into half of them?</p>

<p>I doubt she will get into any Ivy with a 2.9-3.0 GPA. Why feel bad for her? It would be a lot worse to see a student with equal talent (there are many of them) and a good work ethic (many of them also) deprived of a place to give one to your friend. They made the choice to work during High school. Your friend made her choice to not work hard.</p>

<p>Similarly, there are lots of athletes who can run 40 yards in 4.3 seconds or bench-press 500 pounds who aren't in the NFL because they lacked the self-discipline to develop their gifts. It happens.</p>

<p>no one gets the easy button through life; if you can’t work for it, then it ends there</p>

<p>her SAT/ACT are fantastic, but she obviously just did not have the work ethic… and if it were too easy, why not just do it anyway?</p>

<p>i have a 2270 SAT / 35 ACT with a perfect 4.0 GPA b/c i work my butt off, and that’s not at all a guarantee into harvard or princeton or yale or yadda yadda; so i don’t have pity for those who don’t do stuff b/c it’s too easy, and neither will those who will later hire her for a job</p>

<p>low chances overall, unless she can find the cure for cancer in the next month</p>

<p>she might lol not in the next month tho…</p>

<p>IMO, nobody with a 2.9 can get into Harvard unless they’re the most desirable recruited athlete in all the land. Nobody cares if you’re brilliant if you don’t work hard and put it to use. Hard work is EVERYTHING, and she wasted it. I bet that even though she is this perfect scoring “genius” she will not do well in the real world unless she starts sucking it up and working hard.</p>

<p>who do you know that can bench 500 pounds?</p>

<p>[Bench</a> press world records - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Bench”>Progression of the bench press world record - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>These people.</p>

<p>It’s all about the story she tells. If she can give a really compelling REASON for her low grades, and not “class was too easy,” she’ll stand a good chance.</p>

<p>Anyway, if she sucks it up from here on out, she could go to a good, but not excellent college, do really well, and go to Harvard for grad school. Just as good for employers.</p>

<p>tell her to learn how to count cards and join the mit blackjack team. apparently that gets you in</p>

<p>she won’t get into any of the ivies with those stats.</p>

<p>… cornell?</p>

<p>^^Ouch. Poor Cornell.</p>

<p>poor cornell…
i mean, smart people who don’t do any work really aren’t what the ivies are looking for. so no, i doubt it.</p>

<p>hey now, hey now. </p>

<p>Our school is like the big fat kid that gets picked on (3 times as big).</p>



<p>Wrong, it’s 90% of everything.</p>

<p>Wow!! This is crazy!! But I still don’t understand why such a smart girl would refuse to do work because it was ‘too easy’. That aside, I am still a senior myself so I wouldn’t know much about this but I think colleges look at not only how good your grades are but how much you have improved while ascending to higher grade levels. Freshman and sophomore years, I had A’s and B’s. Junior and senior year, I’m keeping it on an A level. Harvard might accept her if they’re impressed by how much she brought up her gpa within a short period of time. Most people who didn’t give their best freshman, sophomore, and junior years never make it that far.</p>