Superscoring: How does it actually work in practice?

Everything you wanted to know about super scoring and scorechoice!


This wasn’t an option a few years ago when D19 was applying but it Looks like ACT now has an option to “send superscore”. Each subset score identifies the test date on the ACT student score page, not sure if that date follows the supercore with the report to the school or not. But if a student were to “send superscore”, the school would not have access to entire tests, only the highest subsets.

With the huge caveat that not all colleges accept ACT superscores As always, verify the testing requirements for each college.

Thanks to everyone for all these insights.

CC is a humbling place for me: I am constantly finding out things that are quite (or radically) different than my high school application process.

I had NO idea about self-reporting and the number of the schools that allow it, which really does open up superscoring. You obviously need to provide the official score to the school you are going to attend, but now I understand that taking multiple tests (especially for the SAT) is a real possibility. The tentative admit decision has already been made and then you to send the official confirmation as to make it a binding admission offer. If that’s the case, superscoring for schools that allow it seems to be the real deal.

As has been said many times on this thread, though, you need to check each individual school to see what its own precise requirements are.