Superstore Textbooks: What does "Choose one" mean?

<p>Looking at ordering textbooks via mybama, where you go to your detailed class schedule and at the bottom there’s a link that sends you to the Supply Store book list for each class (very handy). There seems to be three categories of books/items listed: “Required” and “Optional” (self explanatory) and “Choose One” which is perplexing me. Does “choose one” mean that you pick one of the items from that category (which means they are, in the instructor’s eyes, interchangeable)? For instance, for CHEM 101 the “Choose One” items , they have a “bundle” which i assume includes one or more of the other items offered which are: “Lecture Stand Alone with E-book” and “Lecture…without E-book”, “Ua Custom Chemistry” (which i assume is a textbook) and a Texas Instruments calculator(!!) which seems more “optional” to me. So i can choose between “Lecture with or without ebook”, a text book or an $11 calculator? Obviously I’m missing the point. It would help if you could click on the item for further explanation or something…I mean I’m sure the “bundle” is a super great deal but its hard to sell me on it without having a clue whats in it. Or are they making it mysterious so I can’t go out and buy the same stuff cheaper on Amazon?
I’m sure I’m overlooking something…any help would be appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>You have it right. “Choose One” is usually an option between buying a physical book versus a binder ready book (loose leaf), or e-book. And as you said sometimes they throw those value bundles in there to really confuse you.</p>

<p>The Supe Store really does need to do a better job of describing what the value bundles contain.</p>

<p>Just an FYI. Be sure to look up each prof on ratemyprof to see what former students say. Many times they tell you that the book isn’t necessary at all even though it may not be listed as “optional”.</p>

<p>The quick answer for you is to just call the Supestore. They are very helpful.</p>

<p>BTW I love the fact that at Bama, a person answers the phone.</p>

<p>I called and the Supestore will be open on August 13 Saturday for book pickup. I think that normally it’s open M-F.</p>

<p>University of Alabama Supply Store
Box 870291, Ferguson Center
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487
United States
Telephone (205) 348-6168
Toll free (800) 825-6802
Fax (205) 348-9239
Email <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Yeah, i think including the calculator in the “choose one” was an input error of some sort. I do wish they gave more info about the book so i could check with Amazon. Last semester my daughter needed a book that the supply store was back ordered on but once she got the info from the instructor, we had it next day from Amazon. Calling the supestore is probably a good option also; I’ve also had great luck with calling the various departments at the university…student aid, counseling, health services and transportation I’ve had to call for various reasons and they were always extremely helpful. The ability to go from your schedule to a list of books is a useful feature i just wish it provided a little more detail and it would be perfect. Thanks for the help everyone!!</p>